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Study Online - Online Universities - Minnesota State University, Mankato    
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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: USA
Enrollment: Semesters
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Minnesota
City: Mankato
Street: 228 Wiecking Ctr
ZIP: 56001-6062
Phone: 1-800-722-0544
Founded in 1868 as a Mankato Normal School, Minnesota State University, Mankato prepares students for future leadership and successful careers by providing a variety of general education, professional, and life-long learning options. Minnesota State Mankato is a part of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System (MnSCU).

Minnesota State University, Mankato has definite online certificate programs and degrees on offer. Thus, students can purse such degrees as Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, Master of Arts, undergraduate and graduate Certificates and Licensure in the following fields:
• Allied Health and Nursing
• Arts and Humanities
• Education
• Science, Engineering and Technology
• Social and Behavioral Sciences

Some of the extended learning programs do not require campus visits; however, there are programs that require 1-2 visits for program orientation or specific courses. Online learning at Minnesota StateMankato is designed for the students who want the freedom to attend class at any time, any place. Online Learning allows students to take single classes or complete an entire degree program.

Financial Aid
Eligible students are enquired to apply for financial aid. There is a certain expected family contribution to the tuition of the student but students still have a chance to make their road towards their higher education goals as smooth as possible. The types of aid offered at Minnesota State University, Mankato include, but are not limited to, grants, childcare, scholarships, work-study, and loans.


Helen Cowan
MSU was a great experience. Any college, no matter where, is largely what you make of it. There are opportunities for those who seek them out, and that's why this size school was a good fit for me. I had friends from both the city and from rural areas, and they all got something different from MSU. If you want 24-hour movie theatres, a march every other day for every cause under the sun, and a jumping nightlife, then you'd better stay in an urban center and go to a university of about 40,000 or more. If you're content with a good degree from a respectable university, it's a good fit. You can find things to do or people to hang with. Most everyone I met, faculty or administration, was willing to help if you asked for it. The few who weren't, well you could just avoid their classes or ask to have them changed if they were your advisor. (And as for the long drama about the Student Affairs dean that another person posted... about 1/2 the information in that story is wrong, so be aware of that before making your own judgment.)

Helen Cowan
MSU was a great experience. Any college, no matter where, is largely what you make of it. There are opportunities for those who seek them out, and that's why this size school was a good fit for me. I had friends from both the city and from rural areas, and they all got something different from MSU. If you want 24-hour movie theatres, a march every other day for every cause under the sun, and a jumping nightlife, then you'd better stay in an urban center and go to a university of about 40,000 or more. If you're content with a good degree from a respectable university, it's a good fit. You can find things to do or people to hang with. Most everyone I met, faculty or administration, was willing to help if you asked for it. The few who weren't, well you could just avoid their classes or ask to have them changed if they were your advisor. (And as for the long drama about the Student Affairs dean that another person posted... about 1/2 the information in that story is wrong, so be aware of that before making your own judgment.)

John Brown
One of the greatest myths in higher education is that you must attend an "elite" university to be successful in life. Nothing could be further from the truth. Beyond your first job interview/graduate school, nobody will ever care from where you received your degree. The vast majority of successful people I have encountered in my career have been alumnus of some Nowhere State University. Your performance in your current job is the most important factor in your career growth.

That being said, I have nothing but praise for my experience at MSU (then Mankato State). I truly believe I received a wonderful education that allowed me to compete effectively with anyone, including the "Ivy Leaguers" I encountered in my work. My wife is also an MSU grad and she has also been highly successful in her career. Your college experience is directly related to your attitude, effort and outlook...if you work hard and have a positive will have a great experience. If not, you won't. It's that simple.

My final piece of advice is to major in a field of study that interests you, but don't skimp on the traditional Liberal Arts. Learn to think and communicate will serve you well no matter where life takes you...and almost everyone eventually ends up in a career completely different from what the studied in college.