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Study Online - Online Universities - Minnesota State Community & Technical College    
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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: Semesters
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Minnesota
City: Detroit Lakes
Street: 900 Hwy 34 E
ZIP: 56501
Phone: 800-456-8519
Minnesota State Community and Technical College provides first two-years of study for a bachelor’s degrees or career education through diploma, certificate and Associate degree programs. The programs are offered at four campus locations of M State - Detroit Lakes, Fergus Falls, Moorhead, and Wadena – as we as completely online through e-campus.

Minnesota State Community and Technical College supports and encourages busy students to participate in online programs available 24/7 throughout the year. The benefits of online learning at M State include: the possibility of working at your won pace and schedule; an opportunity to download assignments, read and contribute to class discussions, review faculty feedback; the accredited courses in a variety of fields; the same content, assignments, credit, and interaction with a qualified instructor as on-campus students experience, and much more.

Successful online students of Minnesota State Community and Technical College are awarded:
• Certificate
• Diploma
• Associate in Applies Science degree
• Associate in Science degree
• Associate of Arts degree

The program specializations include many fields including Computer & Network Technology; Computer Help Desk Technician; Computer Programming; Health Information Technology; Human Resources; Legal Administrative Assistant; Medical Administration; Medical Coding & Insurance; Paralegal; Pharmacy Technology; Radiologic Technology; Web Development, and many others.

M State is a member of an all-state partnership Minnesota Online, which allows distance learning students to get support and guidance from both M State and the Minnesota Online organization.


Clifford Gray
Having originally attended a different online college and had a bad experience, I was not sure what to expect from Minnesota State Community and Technical College. I soon learned that all online colleges are not created equal.

This college has mastered the art of online learning their online coursework promotes collaboration, interaction, and discussion with faculty and students. Their classes also provides textbooks and a detailed weekly syllabus. The classes include virtual tools such as real-time chats, linked glossaries, email, online quizzes and the online bulletin boards.

Programs offered by this school:
Associate in Applied Science in Business Entrepreneurship
Associate in Applied Science in Computer Help Desk Technician
Associate in Applied Science in Computer Network Technology
Associate in Applied Science in Computer Programming
Associate in Applied Science in Health Information Technology
Associate in Applied Science in Human Resource
Associate in Applied Science in Medical Administrative Assistant
Associate in Applied Science in Paralegal
Associate in Applied Science in Pharmacy Technician
Associate in Applied Science in Radiologic Technology
Associate in Applied Science in Web Development
Associate of Science in Business
Associate of Science in Human Resource
Associates Degree in Nursing Mobility
Certificate Program in Billing Compliance Specialist
Certificate Program in Cisco Network Specialist
Certificate Program in Computer Network Security
Certificate Program in Computer Network Technology
Certificate Program in Computer Support Specialist
Certificate Program in Fire Company Officer
Certificate Program in Medical Receptionist
Certificate Program in Medical Transcription
Certificate Program in Web Development
Diploma Program in Computer Network Technology
Diploma Program in Lineworker/Electrical
Diploma Program in Medical Insurance Coding Specialist
Diploma Program in Medical Office Assisting
Diploma Program in Pharmacy Technician
Diploma Program in Web Development