Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: two times a year
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Minnesota
City: St. Paul
Street: 700 East 7th Street
ZIP: 55106-5000
Phone: 651-793-1300
The University is in its fourth decade of building educational opportunity for working adults and other traditionally underserved populations and making a vital contribution to the educational, social, cultural, and economic vitality of the Twin Cities metropolitan region.
Online Programs
Metropolitan State University offers completely online study that includes courses, independent studies, certificates and a number of completely online degrees, both at the baccalaureate and master’s levels. These courses may fulfill general education and liberal studies requirements and span across a number of disciplines, including courses required for majors in the Collegeof Management, Collegeof Professional Studies, College of Artsand Sciences, and First College.
Unique Program
The most unique and most popular course of study at Metropolitan State is the Individualized Degree. This customizable major course of study allows the student to fashion his or her degree program for use in a specific industry, utilize a combination of learning strategies (i.e. internships, seminars, laboratory courses), and build on existing areas of academic expertise or experience. The requirements to graduate with an Individualized Degree are the same for any other degree at Metropolitan State: 124 total course hours completed and at least 40 course hours in upper division courses.
Financial Aid
Incoming students are advised to begin the financial aid application process as early as possible, as it takes three-to-six weeks to complete. The aid application deadline for Fall enrollment is July 15. Students are also advised that there are deadlines for tuition payment, and financial aid recipients must have received and submitted their payments by those same dates. All financial aid applicants must have completed the FAFSA in order to be considered for aid.