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Study Online - Online Universities - Metropolitan Community College - Nebraska    
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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: rolling
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Nebraska
City: Omaha
Street: 3015 Fort St
ZIP: 68111
Phone: 402-457-2491
As a local agency under the State of Nebraska, Metropolitan Community College follows Nebraska state law concerning records management practices. In order to meet State guidelines, Metro has collaborated with the Nebraska Secretary of State's Office to determine how long the College's records should be retained. The result of this collaboration was the creation of a documented records retention and disposition schedule, Schedule 151. This schedule is designed to serve as your records management guide for storing and disposing of records, regardless of the media on which they reside. Note, when differences in retention requirements occur, MCC's Records Retention Schedule 151 takes precedence over the General Records for Local Government's Schedule 24, which contains guidelines for records common to most local government agencies. It is advised that all College departments review Schedule 151 from time to time, to ensure adherence to these State approved guidelines.

Student Information

The new, improved Online Job Placement Center is now open for business. The purpose of the center is to allow MCC students and alumni to connect with local, regional, and national job opportunities and provide employers with a user-friendly means to connect with MCC students and alums.

Benefits for Students

  • Ability to manage their job search electronically with online profiles, resumes, and resources
  • Ability to search a database of employers interested in hiring MCC students and alums
  • Ability to search for willing internship hosts and volunteer opportunities

Benefits for Employers

  • Ability to manage job postings, internship postings, and volunteer opportunities electronically
  • Ability to search database of qualified, interested students and alums
General Admission Requirements

Metropolitan Community College does not require a formal application or application fee for admission or registration. Any person may be admitted to the College who:

  • has a high school diploma or equivalent
  • is at least 18 years of age
  • can benefit from a program of study


Jessica Parker
I went here because I wasn't sure what I wanted to do or what university I wanted to attend. This school helped me figure that out while being affordable at the same time. I'm very happy I went there. The one bad thing is that you don't really get that college life experience that you do at a big university. I figure I will get that when I transfer though.

Ashley Parkinson

At Metropolitan Community College, you can get as good an education that you would at any of the local universities, for a fraction of the cost. They offer a wide variety of courses to suit anyone's career goals. The college is very diverse with a wide range of ethnicities and ages, and there is always someone there to help you with whatever you need. Whether that be financial aid or career counseling, Metropolitan Community College can get your career off to a great start!

Programs offered by this school:
Associate in Applied Science in Administrative Assisting
Associate in Applied Science in Business Management
Associate in Applied Science in Coding and Billing
Associate in Applied Science in Criminal Justice
Associate in Applied Science in Data Center Management
Associate in Applied Science in Database/Web Programming
Associate in Applied Science in Desktop Specialist
Associate in Applied Science in E-Commerce
Associate in Applied Science in Early Childhood Education
Associate in Applied Science in Financial Planning & Investment
Associate in Applied Science in General Information Technology
Associate in Applied Science in Health Information Management
Associate in Applied Science in Healthcare Information System Management
Associate in Applied Science in Help Desk
Associate in Applied Science in Information Technology
Associate in Applied Science in Medical Coding and Billing Specialist
Associate in Applied Science in Medical Office Management
Associate in Applied Science in Network Security & Computer Forensics
Associate in Applied Science in Office Professional
Associate in Applied Science in Office Technology
Associate in Applied Science in Server Administration
Associate in Applied Science in Web Development
Associate of Arts in Business
Associate of Science in Liberal Arts/Academic Transfer
Certificate of Completion in Server Technician
Certificate Program in Bookkeeping
Certificate Program in Data Center Technician
Certificate Program in Financial Planning
Certificate Program in Information Technology
Certificate Program in Liberal Arts/Academic Transfer: Humanities/Social Sciences
Certificate Program in Medical Billing and Coding
Certificate Program in Medical Office
Certificate Program in Medical Office Assisting
Certificate Program in Medical Transcription
Certificate Program in Microcomputer Office Technology
Certificate Program in Microcomputer Technology
Certificate Program in Network Technology
Certificate Program in Office Application
Certificate Program in Security Technician
Certificate Program in Web Author
Diploma Program in Transitional Object-Oriented Programming
Special Certificate in Financial Planning
Special Certificate in Network Security & Computer Forensics