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Study Online - Online Universities - University of Maryland University College    
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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: Rolling
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Maryland
City: Adelphi
Street: 3501 University Blvd. East
ZIP: 20783
Phone: 800-888-UMUC (8682)
The University of Maryland University College (UMUC) was founded in 1947. It is one of 11 accredited, degree-granting institutions in the University System of Maryland (USM).

UMUC is the second-largest 4-year public university in Maryland and one of the largest distance learning universities. It serves over 90,000 students worldwide. Offering a broad range of cutting-edge classes, UMUC has earned a global reputation for excellence as a comprehensive virtual university and for focusing on the unique educational and professional development needs of adult students. The University offers 120 academic programs in-class and online, including bachelors, masters, and doctoral as well as certificate degrees.

The University’s variety of learning formats affords maximum convenience to busy adult students who must balance the demands of full-time jobs, family, and community responsibilities.  

Working adults, military personnel, and other students around the globe are achieving their academic goals through UMUC’s innovative educational options, including online instruction, accelerated academic programs, and classroom-based courses taught during the daytime, evenings, and weekends. 

Online Learning
Online Learning at University of Maryland University College is a joint project of the School of Undergraduate Studies and the Graduate School. UMUC offered its first distance education courses in 1972. Today, more than 30 percent of our students are enrolled in courses that do not require on-site class attendance. The Internet serves as their link to the university.

The Graduate School’s online courses are governed by the same academic standards as its on-site courses. Course content, texts, requirements, assignments, and class participation are comparable for online and on-site courses.

University of Maryland University College is accredited by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.

Financial Aid
At University of Maryland University College offers an array of financial programs, including grants, loans, and scholarships. UMUC’s highly trained and helpful financial aid specialists can help you find the option that's right for you.


Jessica Morris
With the University of Maryland online I discovered that college is for me. Before I enrolled in their online courses I was having a lot of trouble passing my classes even though I was sure that I could do better. It turned out that doing the work and taking the class via the internet was the best thing for me to do.
The coursework was much harder online than it was when it was given in traditional classrooms. However that wasn't a challenge for me, I actually enjoyed the work I got through my online classes because it was at my level, and not at the rest of my classmates' level. With Maryland college we used forums, email, and a lot of video and audio files. We also got to use Adobe Reader a lot to open up our PDF files which contained our printed materials such as assignments, vocabulary, and even our books were in that type of file.
As for the classmate and professor interactions, I think that online it was way better than not online. My professors and I did a lot of one-on-one talking and discussing of goals, class activities, and the future. My overall experience at the University of Maryland college online was awesome. I wouldn't have finished my education were it not for this online program. I highly recommend that busy individuals or those who are having trouble with traditional classes try the online courses offered here.

David Russell
If you want to take Distance Education classes, University of Maryland is a good choice as far as the quality of instruction. You will work hard and you will learn.

Christian Foster
I graduated from UMUC with my very well earned B.S. I have taken both face-to-face and online classes. I was challenged at all times and felt all my instructors were very knowledgeable. UMUC worked with me every step of the way using Tuition Assistance. I did not have an issue and have recommended UMUC to others.

Rob Simmons
I've had a great experience at UMUC. Being a military member, the online classes take away the stress of full time job and F2F classes. I didn't experience any bad customer service and was very pleased with practor exams which I had to take while I was deployed. Online classes are indepth and the quality of the education is very good.

Programs offered by this school:
Bachelor of Arts in Asian Studies
Bachelor of Science in Emergency Management
Bachelor of Science in Homeland Security
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems Management
Bachelor of Science in Political Science
Bachelors Degree in Accounting
Bachelors Degree in Business Administration
Bachelors Degree in Communication Studies
Bachelors Degree in Computer and Information Sciences
Bachelors Degree in Computer Information Technology
Bachelors Degree in Computer Science
Bachelors Degree in Computer Studies
Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice
Bachelors Degree in English
Bachelors Degree in Environmental Management
Bachelors Degree in Finance
Bachelors Degree in Fire Science
Bachelors Degree in Gerontology
Bachelors Degree in Global Business and Public Policy
Bachelors Degree in History
Bachelors Degree in Human Resources Management
Bachelors Degree in Humanities
Bachelors Degree in Information Assurance
Bachelors Degree in Legal Studies
Bachelors Degree in Management
Bachelors Degree in Marketing
Bachelors Degree in Psychology
Bachelors Degree in Social Science
Certificate Program in Advanced Accounting
Certificate Program in Business Management Foundations
Certificate Program in Chief Information Officer
Certificate Program in Computer Applications
Certificate Program in Computer Networking
Certificate Program in Database Design and Administration
Certificate Program in Database Management
Certificate Program in Financial Management
Certificate Program in Health Issues for the Aging Adult
Certificate Program in Human Resources Management
Certificate Program in Information Assurance
Certificate Program in Information Management
Certificate Program in Internetworking Technology
Certificate Program in Intro to Financial Accounting
Certificate Program in IT/IS Project Management
Certificate Program in Marketing Communications
Certificate Program in Marketing Management
Certificate Program in Mental Health
Certificate Program in Negotiation and Conflict Management
Certificate Program in Object-Oriented Design and Programming
Certificate Program in Paralegal Studies
Certificate Program in Project Management
Certificate Program in Social and Behavioral Sciences
Certificate Program in Spanish for Business
Certificate Program in Teaching and Training at a Distance
Certificate Program in Technology in Distance Education and E-learning
Certificate Program in Visual Basic Programming
Certificate Program in Workplace Communications
Doctoral Degree in Management
Dual Degree in Biotechnology
Dual Degree in Distance Education
Dual Degree in Environmental Management
Dual Degree in Financial Management and Information Systems
Dual Degree in Healthcare Administration
Dual Degree in Information Technology
Dual Degree in International Management
Dual Degree in Management
Dual Degree in Technology Management
Graduate Certificate in Accounting
Graduate Certificate in Accounting Information Systems
Graduate Certificate in Bioinformatics
Graduate Certificate in Biotechnology
Graduate Certificate in Criminal Justice Management
Graduate Certificate in Database Systems
Graduate Certificate in Distance Education
Graduate Certificate in Distance Education Leadership
Graduate Certificate in Distance Education Policy and Management
Graduate Certificate in Distance Education, Globalization, and Development
Graduate Certificate in Distance Learning
Graduate Certificate in E-Business
Graduate Certificate in e-Learning and Instructional Technology
Graduate Certificate in e-Learning Technology and Design
Graduate Certificate in Environmental Management
Graduate Certificate in Financial Management
Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Administration
Graduate Certificate in Homeland Security
Graduate Certificate in Human Resources Management
Graduate Certificate in Informatics
Graduate Certificate in Information Assurance
Graduate Certificate in Information Technology Fundamentals
Graduate Certificate in Integrated Marketing
Graduate Certificate in Intelligence Studies
Graduate Certificate in International Marketing
Graduate Certificate in International Trade
Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Management
Graduate Certificate in Library and Intellectual Property in Distance Education
Graduate Certificate in Non-Profit Management
Graduate Certificate in Procurement & Contracts Management
Graduate Certificate in Project Management
Graduate Certificate in Public Relations
Graduate Certificate in Software Engineering
Graduate Certificate in Supply Chain Management
Graduate Certificate in Systems Analysis and Design
Graduate Certificate in Telecommunications Management
Master of Arts in Teaching
Master of Business Administration in Business Administration
Master of Education in Distance Education Policy and Management
Master of Education in Distance Learning
Master of Education in e-Learning Technology and Design
Master of Education in Instructional Technology
Master of Science in Accounting and Finance
Master of Science in Accounting and Information Technology
Master of Science in Bioinformatics
Master of Science in Biosecurity
Master of Science in Biotechnology Project Management
Master of Science in Cyber Security
Master of Science in Cybersecurity Policy
Master of Science in Database Systems
Master of Science in E-Business
Master of Science in e-Learning Technology and Design
Master of Science in Environmental Management
Master of Science in Finance and Accounting Management
Master of Science in Financial Management and Information Systems
Master of Science in Health Administration - Informatics
Master of Science in Healthcare Administration
Master of Science in Homeland Security Management
Master of Science in Informatics
Master of Science in Information Assurance
Master of Science in Information Systems Specialist
Master of Science in Intelligence Management
Master of Science in Project Management
Master of Science in Software Engineering
Master of Science in Telecommunications Management
Master of Science in Management in Accounting
Master of Science in Management in Criminal Justice Management
Master of Science in Management in Emergency Management
Master of Science in Management in Financial Management
Master of Science in Management in Healthcare Administration
Master of Science in Management in Homeland Security Management
Master of Science in Management in Human Resources Management
Master of Science in Management in Information Systems Specialist
Master of Science in Management in Management
Master of Science in Management in Marketing
Master of Science in Management in Non-Profit Management
Master of Science in Management in Procurement & Contracts Management
Master of Science in Management in Project Management
Master of Science in Management in Public Relations
Masters Degree in Global Enterprise Management
Masters Degree in International Financial Management
Masters Degree in International Marketing Management