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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: rolling
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Texas
City: Kilgore
Street: 1100 Broadway
ZIP: 75662
Phone: (903) 984-8531
Kilgore College is an open-door, student-centered institution characterized by excellence in teaching and learning and by leadership in cultural and economic endeavors.

Kilgore College offers senior college and university preparatory courses, terminal technical and vocational programs, and an adult education program in the evening division. Associate degrees in arts, science, and business administration were offered. The curriculum was grouped into business administration, engineering-science, fine arts, liberal arts, and technical-vocational divisions. The Texas Education Agency, the Association of Texas Colleges and Universities,qqv and the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools approved or accredited Kilgore College as a two-year college. Twelve permanent buildings were in use by 1966. The library contained 40,000 volumes in 1969. Business, technical-vocational, fine arts, and library buildings were built. The college engaged in intercollegiate competition in football, basketball, golf, tennis, and track as a member of the Texas Junior College Football Federation and the Texas Eastern Conference. The Kilgore Rangerettes is a nationally known precision drill corps of sixty-five coeds, was organized in 1940.

Financial Aid
Federal grants, state aid, student loans and institutional scholarships are the first funding sources that generally come to mind. Other opportunities include college work study, employer reimbursement and college-specific scholarship programs. Trained staff will help your sort out your options and work with you.

Online Education
Kilgore College is a national leader in online education. We offer credit, noncredit, real estate inspection and fire academy online courses.

Through Kilgore College Online you can earn your associate degree, start a new career as a firefighter, become a real estate inspector, or expand your education by taking one of the hundreds of credit and non-credit courses we offer online.


Harold Ward
I finished my Associate in Applied Science degree program from this College and have been successfully working in the Boston area since then. The advisors were amazing. The tuition was much cheaper compared to other online offers and on top of that i was able to secure Financial Aid for my final year.