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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: USA
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: New Jersey
City: Union
Street: 1000 Morris Avenue
ZIP: 07083
Phone: 908 737-KEAN (5326)
Founded in 1855, Kean University has grown to become one of New Jersey's largest institutions of higher learning. Kean was granted university status on September 26, 1997. While maintaining its significant role in the training of teachers, Kean has become a comprehensive institution offering 48 undergraduate and 28 graduate degree programs serving some 13,000 students. Across four undergraduate colleges and the Nathan Weiss  Graduate College, Kean's academic programs cover an exceptional range of disciplines.

Kean is a metropolitan, comprehensive, interactive, teaching university. A campus dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in higher education, Kean University supports a student-centered learning environment that nurtures the development of the whole student for rewarding careers, lifelong learning and fulfilling lives in a global society. It maintains a commitment to excellence and equity in enrollment, instruction and administration.

Kean is accredited by all major accrediting organizations. Many majors have accreditation in their field.

The Kean University Alumni Association's purpose is to promote the growth, status and mission of the University; to maintain a liaison between the alumni and the University community; and to develop alumni services as a means of encouraging alumni to maintain a continuing relationship with the University, its students, programs and events. The mission of the Alumni Association is to foster alumni loyalty, involvement and support.

Alumni Programs and Services
Alumni Mentoring Program and Career Network – keeps alumni active and involved with their alma mater and provides to current students important career development insight.

Class and Constituency Reunions – for alums of specific graduation years and constituency to reconnect with one another and with the University.

Cultural Programs – opportunities for alums to meet and network with fellow alums, to enjoy campus activities and to reconnect with the University campus.

Homecoming Weekend in the fall – activities for alumni, students, faculty and staff to come together to cheer our Cougars to victory, to celebrate the season and the University.

Regional Alumni Events – for alums in regions of the country with high concentrations of alumni to network with one another and meet with the President and faculty members for updates on the growth and development of our Alma Mater.

Alumni Recruitment Ambassadors – a joint initiative with the Office of Admissions to involve alumni in the important area of student recruitment.

Scholarships – for undergraduate and graduate students, who demonstrate academic excellence, leadership and contributions to extracurricular activities.


Mark Foster
Kean is a really good school. It is less expensive than most universities, yet the quality of education is the same. Not a lot of thrills here.

Programs offered by this school:
Bachelor of Arts in Art History
Bachelor of Arts in Biology
Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry
Bachelor of Arts in Communication
Bachelor of Arts in Communication Disorders and Deafness
Bachelor of Arts in Communication Sciences and Educational Services
Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education
Bachelor of Arts in Earth Science
Bachelor of Arts in Economics
Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education
Bachelor of Arts in English
Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Language
Bachelor of Arts in History
Bachelor of Arts in Mathematical Sciences
Bachelor of Arts in Music
Bachelor of Arts in Occupational Therapy
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy/Religion
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration
Bachelor of Arts in Recreation Administration
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
Bachelor of Arts in Special Education and Counseling
Bachelor of Arts in Theater
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Fine Art
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design
Bachelor of Science in Accounting
Bachelor of Science in Biology
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Bachelor of Science in Earth Science
Bachelor of Science in Finance
Bachelor of Science in Graphic Communication
Bachelor of Science in Health Information Management
Bachelor of Science in Management
Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology (Biology)
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Technology
Bachelors Degree in Industrial Design
Bachelors Degree in Physical Education
Bachelors Degree in Social Work
Master of Arts in Accounting
Master of Arts in Occupational Therapy