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Study Online - Online Universities - Indiana Tech    
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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: USA
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Indiana
City: Fort Wayne
Street: 1600 East Washington Blvd.
ZIP: 46803
Phone: 800-937-2448
Indiana Tech was founded in 1930 and it is a private, independent, nondenominational university.  Originally known as 'Indiana Technical College', it began as a school for engineering and science. It enrolls more than  3,000 students from a variety of states and foreign countries. Indiana Tech  offers convenient and flexible methods of earning a degree through three distinct schoos of learning: Traditional Day school, College of Professional Studies and Distane and Online learning.

This is a four-year, coeducational, residential university which provides a variety of programs among which are Accounting, Biomedical Engineering, Business Administration (Education, Health Care Administration, Human Resources, Management, Marketing, Management Information Systems,
Production Management or Sports Management), Communication (Advertising, Digital Media, Journalism, Public Relations), Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Criminal Justice (Crime Analysis, Law Enforcement Administration), Electrical Engineering, Elementary Education, General Studies, Graphic Communications, Human Services Management, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Information Systems, Mechanical Engineering, Networking, Network Management, Organizational Leadership, Psychology, Recreation Management, Software Engineering, Therapeutic Recreation, Web Design, Web Development, and an Individually Designed Degree.

Financial Aid/Scholarships
More than 93% of Indiana Tech students receive financial assistance through some combination of merit and/or need-based scholarships, grants, loans, tuition reimbursement and federal programs.

Online learning
Distance education is a great opportunity for students to earn a degree from an accredited university when it is convenient for them.
Each online course spans 10 weeks, with specific start and end dates. However the class times and dates are not dictated by the schedule. It is possible to access course materials at anytime and from anywhere.

Online classes foster a great deal of interaction among classmates and faculty which is a great opportunity for students to share  insights and knowledge with  other students across the country.

Indiana Tech is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, while the mechanical and electrical engineering programs are accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET).

The university is approved and officially recognized by the U.S. Office of Education and the U.S. State Department and is approved by the State Approval Agency for the enrollment of veterans and eligible persons.

Additionally, the university is a member of the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) and adheres to its policies and practices.


Blake Perry
I just graduated and I have to say that this was the best learning experience ever. I would tell anyone I know to attend Indiana Tech. My wife also just completed the MBA program and found it to be a wonderful and challenging program.

Programs offered by this school:
Associate of Science in Accounting
Associate of Science in Criminal Justice
Associate of Science in General Studies
Associate of Science in Business Administration in Management
Bachelor of Business Administration in Healthcare Administration
Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing
Bachelor of Science in Accounting
Bachelor of Science in Human Resource
Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Management
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Marketing
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Production Management
Bachelors Degree in Crime Analysis
Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice Administration
Bachelors Degree in Rehabilitation Sciences
Certificate Program in Civic Education and Public Advocacy
Master of Business Administration in Healthcare Management
Master of Science in Organizational Leadership
Master of Science in Police Administration