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Study Online - Online Universities - Hobe Sound Bible College    
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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: No
Contact Info:
State: Florida
City: Hobe Sound
Street: PO BOX 1065
ZIP: 33475
Phone: (772) 546-5534
Hobe Sound Bible College mission is to provide a Christ-centered, Bible-based education in the Wesleyan tradition. It is committed to preparing servant-leaders who think Biblically, live Spirit-filled lives, fulfill the great commission and glorify God in all they do. The College, which is committed to an unswerving loyalty to God and His Word and to the principles and standards embodied in Bible holiness, has purposed to incorporate the following factors into a progressive educational experience

College curriculum combines courses that are designed to improve the student’s general education and provide preparation for Christian ministry. Programs flexibility permits the student to select electives that will fit into his or her personal calling. The primary purpose is to promote spiritual development while preparing Christians to more effectively serve the Lord. The curriculum provides students with an understanding of the principle doctrines of the Bible with an emphasis on the Wesleyan-Arminian system of Biblical theology.

Hobe Sound Bible College offers college degrees through its on-line program. Students can select from several Associate and Bachelor of Arts programs. The Distributed Education program (ADE) can help students: complete a Bible degree without leaving your work, your family, or your present area of service; build a Scriptural foundation for your life and your life’s work; earn an accredited college degree; thoroughly and thoughtfully master your course material; fulfill God’s call on your life while allowing you to work at a pace that fits your schedule and your time constraints.

Students who enroll in the distance learning program must hold a high school diploma or its equivalent. The high school diploma must be submitted along with the application form. Students wishing to transfer college credits must submit for evaluation a transcript from their previous institution.
