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Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: 3 term per year
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Connecticut
City: Hartford
Street: 77 Sherman Street
ZIP: 06105-2260
Phone: (860) 509-9500
Hartford Seminary is a theological college in Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Known for many years as the Hartford Seminary Foundation, Hartford Seminary strengthens religious communities through its programs of research and education. By studying and sharing information, it enables local faith communities to remain strong.

This Seminary directly affects the cities, towns and rural areas where these leaders live. The students and program participants are armed with renewed vigor and dedication to their work. With these they return to their communities with a new wholeness, a new sense of the possibility of a humane world, and the practical skills to bring about that vision. Hartford Seminary nurtures and matures individual spiritual growth.

Academically, Hartford Seminary is centered around its three academic centers: The Center for Faith in Practice, Hartford Institute for Religion Research, and The Duncan Black Macdonald Center for the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations. 

Hartford Seminary MA students can now have up half their courses toward their degree requirements as distance education courses. The Seminary has recently begun an online religious studies certificate program - essentially allowing a student to take all 18 credits of that certificate degree - approximately 6 courses - online.

Hartford Seminary is committed to offering at least one online course each semester in diverse subject areas.  Moreover, students can also find here a variety of other non credit educational opportunities online.

Hartford Seminary offers financial aid to eligible students. Relying on the program of study Hartford Seminary currently offers two types of financial assistance to students: need-based and merit-based scholarships. There are separate applications for each type of assistance.

Nowadays, the Seminary is focusing on expanding its interfaith work, social and religious research and educational programs to prepare leaders, students, scholars and religious institutions to thrive in this multi-faith and pluralistic world.


Sam Lewis
I enjoyed the time I spent as an online student of Hartford Seminary. Most of the professors were excellent but I had a couple that weren't that good. But then, you'll find that in any school. I've got a good job as a result of the effort.

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