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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: Rolling
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Minnesota
City: Saint Paul
Street: 1536 Hewitt Avenue
ZIP: 55104-1284
Phone: 651-523-2800
Hamline University is the first university in Minnesota and is affiliated with the United Methodist Church. This private coeducational institution was founded in 1854 with a primary campus located in the Midway district of Saint Paul. Hamline has a total enrollment of approximately 4,600 students, including a College of Liberal Arts, School of Business, the Hamline University School of Law and other Graduate Studies programs.

Creative and innovative teaching and learning attract a diverse student body of nearly 4,900 undergraduate and graduate students to Hamline University. Hamline students develop an individual and community ethic of social justice, civic responsibility, and inclusive leadership and service.

Hamline University provides not a typical college education, but an extraordinary one. Many students from all over the country and world come to study here. They form a community of scholars, vibrant leaders, compassionate citizens, and lifelong friends.

The University recognizes its roots in the traditions and values of the United Methodist Church. In this way, it aspires to the highest standards for creation, dissemination, and practical application of knowledge; rigor, creativity, and innovation in teaching, learning, and research; multicultural competencies in local and global contexts; the development and education of the whole person; an individual and community ethic of social justice, civic responsibility, and inclusive leadership and service.

All of Hamline's schools offer continuing education programs for adult learners, including post-baccalaureate, certificate, licensure, and credit programs.

This University aims to enrich students’ academic lives by offering accurate and timely academic advising, writing center and tutoring consultations, and academic skills assistance. The University also seeks to empower students to make effective educational choices based on their multidimensional and diverse life and vocational goals.


Greta King
This is very good university. Its online program is both comprehensive and challenging. It fits my lifestyle by offering flexible schedules and accessible instructional techniques for the distance learner. The coursework is intellectually stimulating and the instructors are very knowledgeable. They really reach out to the students and communicate well both online and off line. I am having a very rewarding educational experience thus far.