Georgia College & State University is Georgia's designated Public Liberal Arts University, located in historic Milledgeville, Georgia, less than a dozen miles from the geographic center of the State. As the state's designated public liberal arts university, Georgia College & State University is committed to combining the educational experiences typical of esteemed private liberal arts colleges with the affordability of public higher education.
The main campus is 43 acres. It is at the heart for academic and student life. Many students choose to live in apartments on or adjacent to the main campus or on West Campus, just several blocks away. More than 36 undergraduate degrees and more than 25 graduate programs are available in four schools - the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the J. Whitney Bunting College of Business, the John H. Lounsbury College of Education and the College of Health Sciences.
In Georgia College & State University most class sections enroll between 15 and 35 students. Seminars, tutorials and honors courses usually enroll 20 to 25 students with three faculty facilitators.
In all, students come from many backgrounds, cultures and interests at Georgia College. Most of them are residents of Georgia, but the campus hosts students from other states as well. There is also a growing international student population, about 125 international students from dozens of countries.
Georgia College is a campus alive with Greek life, intramural sports, campus and community activities, as well as an abundance of honor and academic societies. In fact, we have over a hundred registered clubs and organizations.
More than 70 percent of GCSU students receive some form of financial assistance. More than 80% of Georgia College's undergraduate students receive either institutional, state, or federal aid. Programs range from merit-based to need-based awards. Awards come in the forms of grants, scholarships, including Georgia's HOPE Scholarship, employment opportunities, and student loans.