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Enrollment: 2 times per year
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: No
Contact Info:
State: Florida
City: Kissimmee
Street: 1011 Bill Beck Blvd
ZIP: 34744
Phone: (407) 847-8966
Florida Christian College is a higher education institution located in Kissimmee, Florida affiliated with the Independent Christian Church.

The College offers four degrees--Associate of Arts, a two-year program; the Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Science, which are four-year programs; and the Bachelor of Theology, which is a five-year program.  Details concerning the academic program of FCC are available in the current FCC Catalog.

The purpose of Florida Christian College is to conduct a course of study to educate men and women for Christian service, to provide a program of instruction on the college level, to grant appropriate degrees, and to serve as a resource to the churches, especially in Florida.

Florida Christian College holds dual accreditation as a demonstration of its commitment to the training of Christian workers through the Bible college movement and the emphasis on quality higher education through regional accreditation.

University programs are approved by the Bureau of State Approving for Veterans’ Training for persons eligible under laws administered by the Veterans Administration. FCC is approved as an eligible private institution for receipt of federal and state financial aid by the US Department of Education and the Florida Department of Education.
Statement of Faith

Students are divided into class groups, (freshman, sophomore, etc.) each under the guidance of two faculty and staff members who serves as the Class Sponsor Team.  These class groups provide a basis for social activities and spiritual growth.  Students' participation in them is very important and is strongly encouraged.

One College-wide social function is planned by each class annually. The class groups also serve as a basis for the Student Council - four class members are chosen each year to represent their interests to the Council.


Programs offered by this school: