Fitchburg State College was established in 1894 by an act of the Massachusetts Legislature as the State Normal School in Fitchburg. And now it is an institution of higher education that integrates an interdisciplinary, multicultural liberal arts and sciences core with all professional and arts and sciences majors. This four year public institution of higher learning is located in the city of Fitchburg, Massachusetts.
The college emphasizes the importance of leadership studies, service learning, civic responsibilities, ethical development, and international education. Thus, it is this central theme that animates our mission statement: the establishment of a leadership honors program, extensive course work and extracurricular emphasis, and a commitment to exploring leadership for the twenty-first century.
The main goal of the college is to encourage the development of the whole person and prepare students for careers that meet the needs of their varied communities. As for the faculty members, they are scholar-teachers who employ a variety of pedagogies and modes of technological instruction to further such goals for all.
Moreover, this comprehensive public college provides affordable, life-long learning opportunities in undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education. It is extensively involved in promoting sound economic development, especially in the Northern Worcester County Area.
Fitchburg State College has over 3,500 undergraduate and over 1650 graduate/continuing education students, for a total student body enrollment over 5200. Postgraduate certificates, Bachelor's degrees, Master's degrees, and MBAs in more than 25 academic disciplines are offered here.
The College evaluates each applicant based on standards established by the Commonwealth’s Board of Higher Education and the College. That’s why, it actively seeks students who will benefit from Fitchburg State’s high quality liberal arts and professional programs and contribute to our vibrant academic and social communities.