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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: Rolling
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Washington
City: Lynnwood
Street: 20000 68th Ave W
ZIP: 98036
Phone: (425) 640-1459
Edmonds Community College is a community of learners, which upholds integrity and high educational standards and affirms the value of lifelong learning and sustainability. Our task is to serve the needs of the individual and honor diversity of culture, ethnicity and thought. We see education as a collaborative process, valuing innovation, change and accountability.

The College strives to enhance learning with innovative and comprehensive educational opportunities and services that exhibit our commitment to collaboration, accessibility and a global perspective.

The flexibility of online learning is making it possible for a growing number of students to complete most or even all of their college education online. However, students may be separated from the college by distance or schedule, but in spite of this, one of these degree or certificate options may be right for you. This is easy as Edmonds Community College has one of the largest distance learning programs in Washington State and has consistently been a leader in the implementation of online forms of distance learning since 1993.

The College now offers several complete degrees and certificates including a complete 2 + 2 transfer degree in Business Administration available through distance learning format courses. The first two years of the degree are completed through Edmonds Community College and Bellevue Community College, and the final two years are completed through Washington State University, all online.

Moreover, it has also partnered with Bellevue Community College and the University of Washington to offer a flexible option for achieving your bachelor's degree with all but 45 credits taken online. Working professionals or any students who have busy and complex lives can chose this program.

Edmonds Community College offers financial aid that helps students offset college costs. The College also awards numerous scholarships to students each year.

The student body includes students from 68 other countries, but nearly 90 percent of students live within eight miles of the campus.


Jennie Erikson
Coordinated studies programs are a fantastic way for students to learn. The combination of two topics that would normally not be offered together…allows the mind to broaden and to consider things it never would have otherwise. I was in the Biology 105/English 155 class, Exploring Natural History in Word and Field, and I absolutely loved it. The closeness felt by everyone in the class made it easy to come out of our shells and feel comfortable. The level of enthusiasm and encouragement by the instructors was inspirational and led to a higher achievement than I thought possible. There is no other class I’ve taken that made me feel so comfortable and excited to learn.