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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: Semesters
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: New Mexico
City: Portales
Street: 1500 S Ave K
ZIP: 88130
Phone: 575-562-1011
Eastern New Mexico University is a state university in Portales, Roosevelt County, New Mexico, USA. It is the most recently-founded state university in New Mexico. Its mission is based on the concept of student success, and the people of the University provide student-centered academic and extracurricular programs to fulfill this mission.

ENMU students pursue challenging academic goals and engage in stimulating classroom experiences, online learning and the University emphasizes individual academic advising and career counseling. The University continues to produce alumni who are good citizens and contributors to society and who can compete with graduates of other institutions.

Eastern New Mexico University combines a traditional learning environment with 21st century technology to provide a rich educational experience. It emphasizes liberal learning, freedom of inquiry, cultural diversity and whole student life. Excellent teaching and active learning define campus relationships. Scholarship, both primary and applied, cultural enrichment, and professional service are also important contributions of the University community.

Students will be provided with scholarships that are designed to reward, encourage and assist students in their pursuit of academic excellence and leadership roles.

The associate’s, bachelor’s and master’s degrees are offered at the University. The programs help faculty measure student success and the effectiveness of the campus learning environment. In this way, it serves students from New Mexico, other states and other nations. Educational programs are offered at the Portales campus and also by interactive distance education, public broadcast television, and branch community colleges in Roswell, New Mexico, and Ruidoso, New Mexico.

The University also offers online programs that are flexible and easy to complete. Our online courses are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Eastern New Mexico University continues to serve the region as a center of higher education and life-long learning, providing educational opportunities for an expanding spectrum of learners.


Krista Monaghan
If you want a school that’s personal, where they really care about your success as a student, Eastern is the place to be.

Thomas Tafoya
My education here has opened so many doors. You can ask anyone else who’s a graduate. They are able to compete for jobs out there. It says something for the quality of education.

Charles Britton
With a major in digital cinema arts, I’ll have more career opportunities. Lots of theatre majors cross over into commercial television, so I’ll have the training to do both. The film industry is booming in New Mexico, so I won’t even have to leave the state to use my degree.

Bella Parker
ENMU has been a great school. I love everything about it! I am very glad that I chose to come here! Worth it!

Christina Hill
I’m so glad I chose ENMU. I’m so happy that I can proudly claim I’m a Greyhound and will be a Greyhound forever.