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Study Online - Online Universities - Duquesne University    
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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Pennsylvania
City: Pittsburgh
Street: 600 Forbes Ave
ZIP: 15282
Phone: 412-396-6000
Situated in the uptown neighborhood known as the Bluff, our hilltop campus rests on 49 acres overlooking the city's downtown district and South Side neighborhood. At University all students learn with mind, spirit and heart.  In keeping with our Catholic-Spiritan tradition, students receive a strong moral foundation for professional and personal development through intellectual and ethical inquiry, research and academic study.

The Duquesne University experience lasts all student's life. All students graduate to successful lives and careers, carrying the unique spirit of Duquesne with them to all corners of the globe. This is where alumni and friends come together, to keep old relationships strong, meet new acquaintances, and remain actively involved in the University family.

The biggest and most comprehensive Catholic university in Pennsylvania with more than 10000 students in 188 academic programs across 10 schools of study. Duquesne is consistently ranked among America's top Catholic universities for its award-winning faculty and 131-year tradition of academic excellence. Duquesne has a 15.5:1 student/faculty ratio, and 87 percent of incoming freshman are drawn from the top half of their high school class. The University offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs in natural and environmental sciences, leadership, business, nursing, health sciences, pharmacy, law, education,music and liberal arts.

Financial Aid
The scholarship is an achievement award. Awards can be based on student's affiliation with a particular major, being apart of a club/group, or based on your academic record. Loans are funds borrowed by the student or parent. In most cases, the principle and interest charges must be repaid by a specific deadline. A grant is a gift. It is based on the student's financial need and does not have to be repaid.


Programs offered by this school:
Bachelor of Science in Computer Technology
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice/Forensics
Bachelor of Science in Nonprofit Leadership
Bachelor of Science in Organizational Behavior
Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership
Bachelor of Science in Professional Communications
Bachelor of Science in Strategic Public and Corporate Communication
Bachelor of Science in Training and Development
Certificate Program in Family Nurse Practitioner
Certificate Program in Forensic Nursing
Certificate Program in Nursing Education
Certificate Program in Transcultural/International Nursing
Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing
Doctoral Degree in Nursing Practice
Master of Music in Music Education
Master of Science in Business Ethics
Master of Science in Community Leadership
Master of Science in Education Studies
Master of Science in Environmental Science and Management
Master of Science in Family Nurse Practitioner
Master of Science in Forensic Nursing
Master of Science in Global Leadership
Master of Science in Information Technology
Master of Science in Leadership
Master of Science in Liberal Studies
Master of Science in Nursing Education
Master of Science in Professional Administration
Master of Science in Sports Leadership