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Enrollment: three times a year
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: North Carolina
City: Durham
Street: 2400 Pratt Street
ZIP: 27708
Phone: 919-684-8111
The University has two schools for undergraduates: Pratt School of Engineering, Trinity College of Arts and Sciences. The University's graduate and professional schools include the Graduate School, the Pratt School of Engineering, the Nicholas School of the Environment, the School of Medicine, the Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, the School of Nursing, the Fuqua School of Business, the School of Law, the Sanford School of Public Policy and the Divinity School.

Except academics, research, and athletics, Duke is also well known for its sizable campus and Collegiate Gothic architecture, especially the Duke Chapel. The surrounding parts of the campus belie the University's proximity to downtown Durham. University's 8,610 acres contain three contiguous campuses in Durham as well as a marine lab in Beaufort.

The University is one of the most selective universities in the USA. For the Class of 2014, the University received a record-setting 26,770 applications and admitted 14.86% of the applicants, marking Duke's most selective admissions cycle in the history of the establishment. Based on admission statistics from U.S. News and World Report, Duke's most selective programs include its law school, its famous business school and its medical school.

University's West Campus Union building has restaurants, offices, and some administrative departments. The Mary Lou Williams Center for Black Culture,the  Chronicle's administrative office and the Center for LGBT Life are all located in the Union. More than 500 student clubs and organizations operate on Duke's campus. These include numerous student government, special interest, and service organizations. Duke University has 35 sports clubs and 29 intramural teams that are officially recognized. Cultural groups on campus include: the Asian Students Association, Blue Devils United (the student lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender group), Black Student Alliance, Jewish Life at Duke, Latino Student Association , International Association/International Council, Muslim Student Association, Native American Student Coalition, Newman Catholic Student Center, Students of the Caribbean. and Languages Dorm.
