Serves: Worldwide
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Pennsylvania
City: Center Valley
Street: 2755 Station Avenue
ZIP: 18034
Phone: 610-282-1100
It is the goal of DeSales University to provide men and women with quality higher education according to the philosophy of Christian humanism as developed by Saint Francis de Sales and his spiritual heirs. DeSales University enriches the human community and enhances the dignity of the individual through its educational endeavors. In its work, the University fosters a vital and respectful dialogue between Roman Catholic faith and human culture.
DeSales University is firmly and publicly committed to the principles of Roman Catholic doctrine and morality. It also fully recognizes that the search for truth requires an atmosphere of intellectual freedom and that love demands an openness to all that is good. The university provides the flexibility to combine majors and minors in ways uniquely suited to student's goals and interests. At DeSales University, students can pursue concentrated, career-centered study in one or more specialized fields. The key components of our curriculum - a broad-based liberal arts program and career-focused specialization - will prepare all students to make an impact on the world when they will finish the university.
The University exudes a sense of family and community. Getting to know others at DSU is incredibly easy. University overflows with opportunities for involvement which include athletics, campus ministry, community service, intramurals, recreation, student activities and residence life. DeSales University is an environment in which Christian and Catholic values are close to the surface; a community where lively discussions of ethics and morality have a place in every class.
AthleticsAthletics embraces the concept of the student-athlete and recognizes participation as an integral part of the educational experience. The philosophy of the University carries over to athletics, which emphasizes academic excellence, individual attention, a mutual concern and community experience. Each student-athlete at University is responsible for his or her studies, as well as their commitment as a member of his or her team serving as a positive role model on campus and in the community.