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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: Rolling
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Ohio
City: Cleveland
Street: 2121 Euclid Avenue
ZIP: 44115-2214
Phone: 216-687-2000
Established as a state-assisted university in 1964, Cleveland State University assumed a tradition of excellence when it adopted the buildings, faculty, staff, and curriculum of the former Fenn College, a private institution of 2,500 students that was founded in 1929.

Cleveland State University offers affordable, quality academic programs with more than 200 major fields of study. It is a leader in business, biomedical research and healthcare; K-12 education; sport management, and professional programs in law, business, engineering, city management and more.

More than 1,000 courses support 200 major fields of study at the undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as professional certificate and continuing education programs. Courses of instruction are offered in business administration, education and human services, engineering, law, liberal arts and social sciences, science, and urban affairs. As nearly 90 percent of Cleveland State’s students work full- or part-time, flexible academic programming and convenient class times are offered.

Cleveland State reaches out to academically talented and highly motivated students through its Honors Program.

Students interact with the professors, not graduate assistants, in classrooms, laboratories and research teams. Faculty and staff alike insist on creating an atmosphere that promotes intellectual growth and the creation of new knowledge. All of hte accepted students are admitted onto the main campus, not to a branch or a two-year program within the institution.

The first-class education benefits not only the graduates of Cleveland State but the rest of society as well. Public and private institutions, corporations, and businesses have joined as the partners in a dynamic and engaged learning experience. Thanks to their help, the University creates an environment where the individual, the curriculum, and the community interact to achieve the highest levels of learning. Students gain the knowledge during their studies on campus. Teachers hope that students and alumni will, in turn, employ their knowledge to solve problems, stimulate economic activity, and increase opportunity in these same communities.


Not only me but most students seemed to feel comfortable approaching the professors at CSU. They weren't snobbish about their status. They welcomed and enjoyed students coming into their offices and just chatting.
Even though many of the professors' classroom styles were just as casual as that out of the classroom, they truly were knowledgeable in their field. Most of the discussions (there was hardly a lecture) were non-textbook related. Some of them conducted studies and even wrote books on the subject. The place is excellent to develop your professional education.

Jacob K.
I think Cleveland State is a real good choice for secondary education. the tuition is low compared to other schools and it's very conveniently located right in the heart of downtown Cleveland.

Irving Scott1
In the corporate structure my M. Ed has given me the validation to approach training and development from a systematic approach. The principles and practices I learned in the program have allowed me to take theory to practice in the instructional design and implementation of our Technical Recruiter Training Program. My coursework in program planning has been the most invaluable. The graduate experience has also trained me to successfully plan programs for my participation with non profit organizations.