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Study Online - Online Universities - Chaminade University of Honolulu    
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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Hawaii
City: Honolulu
Street: 3140 Waialae Avenue
ZIP: 96816
Phone: (808) 735-4711
The main goal of Chaminade University is to provide a rich educational experience. Chaminade is a place where people grow: professionally, intellectually, spiritually. Chaminade education include: academic excellence; professional preparation; close involvement with professors and classmates; a supportive campus atmosphere and a vibrant campus life; opportunities to contribute to society while still in school; multi-cultural awareness and understanding.

The University offers 23 undergraduate degree programs on its main Honolulu campus. It has 7 graduate degree programs. Moreover, it offers several degree opportunities for working adults, through evening and weekend courses in satellite locations and online.

Chaminade continues to grow and evolve as an institution of higher learning. In the last 10 years, Chaminade has greatly expanded its facilities, added faculty and expertise, and added programs.

Chaminade has several defining characteristics that set it apart from many institutions of higher learning. Chaminade has a highly diverse population, with many minorities represented. Most distinctively, Chaminade has a high proportion of Asian/Hawaii ancestry students and Pacific Islanders.

The financial aid program at Chaminade University is comprised of funding from federal, institutional and external sources, and amounts to an annual operation that exceeds $20,000,000. Of these sources, the majority share of funding, 60%, comes from the federal government.

Institutional programs, in the form of various grants and scholarships, constitute about 21%. While the remaining 14% comes from aid assistance, which are, external to Chaminade, such as outside scholarships and state loan programs.


Jeremy K.
I enjoyed my experience at Chaminade for four primary reasons, 1)It was a campus filled with spiritual life/vigor 2) Utterly devoted professors 3) Individual attention to each student 4) Cultural Diversity (you meet people here from every religion and walk of life imaginable!)
However, I would warn people considering applying here...the school is not for people looking for the "big school" experience, nor is it a school in which the professors baby you or hold your hand (ie: you get out of it what you put in). I would say though, you can get rather decent education here with plenty of resume/graduate app building activities available to nearly everyone.

S. L.
Even though this private school is small and somewhat expensive, it's definitely worth the money. The school's evening program is probably it's best asset. They have a wide range of degrees and classes offered in the evening and any working individual will find completing a degree at Chaminade less difficult than attending other institutions. The evening classes are accelerated in that they are only 10 weeks long with a 2 1/2 to 3 week break in between. That break is often used for interim courses. If you are really ambitious, you could complete a BS or BA in 3 years!
They offer so much catering to the military and working individuals. So many adults are going back to school and who wouldn't when Chaminade makes it so easy! The faculty and staff are very personable and the small class sizes really enables you to get involved.