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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: rolling
Financial Aid: No
Scholarships: No
Contact Info:
State: California
City: Bishop
Street: 4090 W. Line Street
ZIP: 93514
Phone: (760) 934-2796
CC Online is the online "campus" at Cerro Coso College, that has been a leader in online education since 1997 when it first offered online classes. But since that time the College have expanded its program and now offer 9 Associate degrees completely online and over 100+ classes per year. It is easy for students to learn online with online Associate degrees, highly interactive and low-cost courses.

The courses require no on-campus meetings and are not self-paced. The classes encourage interaction with instructor and peers in a structured environment. The College offers online courses in Administration of Justice, Biology, Business Administration, Child Development, Computer Information Systems, Economics, English, History, Health Science, Media Arts, Math, Music, Office Technology, Paralegal, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Spanish, Speech, and more.

The College is a member college of the Kern Community College District. It is fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and approved by the University of California and the State Department of Education.

The main objective of CC Online is to provide students with everything that they need to complete your Associate Degree. From the virtual campus students can access courses, learning resources and the library, student services including admissions and records and financial aid, counseling, etc.

The learning environment at Cerro Coso Online is somewhat different than many other virtual colleges. Cerro Coso Online offers the following differences:
* 9 Online Associate Degrees.
* No On-Campus Meetings. On-campus meetings are not required; some courses may require proctored exams but, other than that, all coursework is done online.
* No Self-Paced Courses. The College does not offer self-paced courses. This is because all of the courses follow a schedule similar to a traditional face-to-face course. Students will be expected to access their course, interact with their classmates and instructors, and complete assignments on a well-defined schedule.
* Highly Interactive Courses. It is required that students interact with their classmates and instructor. Although fellow classmates or instructor may be located thousands of miles away from students, they won't feel isolated!


In addition to Cerro Coso College, I have attended St. Leo University and the University of Maryland and I can proudly say that the quality of education Cerro Coso offered has allowed me to succeed in my ongoing undergraduate and graduate studies.

Joretta Keeley
I’m a student at Cerro Coso Community College and am currently working on my AS in Business. In addition to my school work, I had also been working but wanted to transition into a job that would be more in-line with my studies. Cerro Coso Community College not only provided me with such a chance, but also offered me a part-time office work in their Counseling Offices! Thank you, Cerro Coso!

Programs offered by this school:
Associate of Arts in Business Administration
Associate of Arts in Mathematics
Associate of Science in Business
Associate of Science in Business Office Technology
Associate of Science in Child Development and Education
Associate of Science in Computer Information Systems
Associate of Science in Management
Associate of Science in Paralegal Studies
Associate of Science in Small Business Management
Associates Degree in Web Design
Certificate Program in Business
Certificate Program in Business Office Technology
Certificate Program in Computer Information Systems
Certificate Program in Entrepreneurship
Certificate Program in Management
Certificate Program in Medical Assisting
Certificate Program in Office Assistant
Certificate Program in Paralegal Studies
Certificate Program in Teaching
Certificate Program in Web Design