Central Michigan University offers online certificate programs and personal enrichment/career development courses designed to provide students with the workforce skills required to acquire professional caliber positions in many in-demand occupations. CMU delivers online Connecting Link courses for educators and administrators.
Besides, it also offers technology training from Mindleaders - online technical and end-user courses that combine hands-on exercises, simulations and relevant graphics, with 24-hour access to e-learning.
The University understands that adult students have professional, family, and community responsibilities in addition to their educational objectives. That’s why, the University offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs through a variety of delivery methods. The staff strives to provide convenient, timesaving services, without sacrificing high academic standards. CMU Online courses are available in web-based and learning package formats.
Web courses are delivered using CMU's instructional delivery tool, Blackboard, which is available 24/7. Students order textbooks through MBS, but go online to access lectures, submit assignments, take quizzes, and communicate with their instructors and other students. Some classes also meet online at scheduled times for chat sessions, but generally students may log in at their own convenience. Most Web courses also require students to take exams in a proctored setting.
Learning packages are print-based. And all course materials, including syllabus information, instructor lectures, sample quizzes, etc., are included in a printed packet called a Student Manual. Students order these manuals through the Missouri book store (MBS). Assignments are mailed or e-mailed directly to instructors for grading. Most exams are administered in a proctored setting.
Moreover, CMU also offers a variety of professional development programs at locations throughout Michigan.
A major part of the success of any university is the quality of its leadership. Central Michigan University is blessed with a long history of dedicated and visionary administrators. CMU is led by a governor-appointed board of trustees, university President Michael Rao, and the university Executive Vice President/Provost Julia Wallace.