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Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: USA
Enrollment: Rolling
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Kentucky
City: Owensboro
Street: 717 Frederica Street
ZIP: 42301
Phone: 270-686-4213
Brescia University was founded by the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph in 1950. Its origins are in Mount Saint Joseph Junior College for Women, established at Maple Mount, Kentucky, in 1925. Between 1925 and 1950, coeducational extension courses in Owensboro led to the creation of a second campus and, after 1949, consolidation of the two campuses at the present site of Brescia University . In 1951, Brescia began operating as a four-year College. The only Catholic University in Western Kentucky, Brescia has a proud religious and liberal arts heritage.

An independently supported, Catholic, coeducational institution, Brescia now offers undergraduate and graduate course work for career preparation firmly rooted in the liberal arts.

The degrees offered include Associate of Arts and Associate of Science, Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Social Work, Master of Science, and, additionally, Post-baccalaureate Certificate. These degrees are offered by the following divisions and schools: School of Education, Fine Arts, Humanities, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Social and Behavioral Sciences, and William H. Thompson School of Business.

Brescia University's Ministry Formation Program was granted candidacy accreditation in March 1997 by the United States Catholic Conference (USCC) Commission on Certification and Accreditation.

Brescia University's Bachelor of Science in Social Work Program was fully accredited by the accrediting body, Council on Social Work Education, in June of 2000.

All of Brescia University’s Teacher Education programs are accredited by Kentucky’s Education Professional Standards Board.

Brescia University has a long term commitment to online education. There is a pastoral ministry/theology online certificate program, which can be applicable towards a degree in pastoral/theological studies, a Bachelor program in Social Work and non-accredited online classes on information resources.

Brescia University is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.


Ben J.
Brescia's educational quality is superb. We have some of the brightest instructors in their fields. They challenge students to succeed and to work. Faculty and staff are approachable and eager to help rectify any situation, or just to talk on a friendly basis. I recommend Brescia to anyone who wants a TRUE education, not just a lazy college experience.

Brescia is great for a small college. If you want friendly, involved teachers, then Brescia is great!! I received a top level education.