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Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: Quarterly
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: South Carolina
City: Greenville
Street: 1700 Wade Hampton Blvd.
ZIP: 29614
Phone: 864-242-5100
Bob Jones University is a Christian liberal arts university founded in 1927 by Dr. Bob Jones Sr. Located in Greenville, South Carolina, BJU is one of the largest fundamental Christian schools in the world serving some 5000 students from every state and 40 foreign countries.

Such courses as studied of Bible, church administration, missions, pastoral studies, theology and history, education and literature, drama and music and others are emphasized in the University. A Bible course is required to be take each semester by every student enrolled in the University. Students are encouraged by Christian professors and lecturers to a lifelong commitment to education and exemplifying spiritual truths. The philosophy taught in Bob Jones University is not simply to teach students how to make a living, but more importantly, how to live.

BJU aims at maintaining high academic standards, while emphasizing culture, and a practical Christian philosophy that is both orthodox and fervent in its evangelistic spirit.

There are numerous on-campus traditional undergraduate and graduate degree offerings. Five of the most popular majors are Bible, Biblical Counseling, Elementary Education, Humanities, and Nursing. The University is accredited through TRACS.

Bob Jones University academic division includes seven schools: the College of Arts and Science, the School of Religion, the School of Fine Arts, the School of Education, the School of Business Administration, the School of Applied Studies, and the Seminary & Graduate School of Religion. Plenty of student clubs and organizations are open for students to enroll and get involved.

Within the cultural and academic soil of liberal arts education, Bob Jones University exists to grow Christlike character that is scripturally disciplined, others-serving, God-loving, Christ-proclaiming, and focus.


Jessica F.
I am an alumnus of BJU. Two of my sons have attended the school, and one of them is getting a graduate degree. I have found that over the years the school has not changed since I was a student. One of the goals of the university has always been to be a place where one does not simply learn "how to make a living" but rather "how to live". If a prospective student does not wish to live according to God's standards and rules, then he/she does not belong at BJU. I personally am very happy that I attended BJU. I received an excellent education which I have used in my career, as well as in my service for the Lord.

When I interviewed at the VanderCook College of Music in Chicago to begin my work on an M.Mus.Ed degree, the dean remarked, "Well, you were a music ed. major and thus don't have the number of hours in pure music and also we're aware that BJU is not accredited nationally, but we've always been quite satisfied with BJU people here so you may enroll." Later, when I interviewed at Ohio State University (Columbus), I had no problem. Finally, at the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary's School of Sacred Music (the largest graduate school of sacred music in the USA), I received my terminal degree (DMA) without a problem. I noted that my BJU training helped me in all aspects of both my professional career in music and my continuing education and especially in my moral and spiritual aspects of life. I believe that the discipline and regimented life that students receive at BJU contribute to one's personal success.

C. R.
BJU is truly an opportunity place to get the best spiritual education. It taught me the value of life and to do all to the glory of God!