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Online Degrees
Online Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degrees in many fields are offered by US online universities, colleges and professional schools. You can benefit from study online because of its flexibility and low cost.

Study Online
Online education is a simple way to learn foreign language, get professional certificate or increase your professionalism with the help of online diploma programs or online courses.

Serves: Worldwide
Enrollment: Rolling
Financial Aid: Yes
Scholarships: Yes
Contact Info:
State: Pennsylvania
City: Hatfield
Street: 200 N. Main St.
ZIP: 19440
Phone: 1-800-235-4021
Biblical Seminary began operation in 1971 as the Biblical School of Theology through the shared vision of Dr. Allan A. MacRae and Dr. Jack W. Murray. In 1986, Dr. David G. Dunbar was inaugurated as Biblical's third president.

The seminary received regional accreditation from the Middle States Association in 1990 and from the Association of Theological Schools in 1996.

The seminary offers the Master of Arts in Counseling, Ministry, Missional Theology, Biblical Studies; Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degrees. Certificate programs are also offered and include Advanced Pastoral Studies, Biblical Counseling and Biblical Studies.  On-line learning is possible offering Certificate in Missional Theology and Certificate in Youth Ministry, and a number of college credit online courses.

General admission process consists several steps, which include:
1. Admission form.
2. Application fee (non-refundable).
3. One passport-size color photo.
4. Personal statement describing your Christian experience, sense of religious vocation, and reasons for seeking theological education.
5. Official transcripts of academic work from all institutions of higher education attended.
6. Church endorsement.
7. Two letters of recommendation: academic/professional and pastor's recommendation.
8. Current writing sample guidelines of 2,000 words or less.
9. Current resume.
10. Computer literacy form.
11. Interview with a Biblical representative.


Steve Smith
Biblical is a place where you can grow spiritually, safely question foundations of faith, and gain wisdom for servant leadership.

Kathe de Sanctis Moyer
Attending Biblical gave me a new lens and view. Like putting on a new pair of glasses, it required that I had the courage to take the old ones off and shed many of the perspectives and preconceived ideas I had about the Bible, myself, and others. The clearer lenses have brought a greater understanding and a new view of how our lives intersect and fit within the biblical narrative. Not sure why it took me so long to exchange glasses to see a fresh perspective, but I'm glad I did.

Nathaniel C.
Biblical has really helped me to discover relevant ways to engage culture while staying solidly committed to the principles of Scripture.

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