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Strunk, William, Jr. 1918. The Elements of Style
Taking into consideration the proverb that one must first know the rules to break them, this classic reference book is an item, necessary to have for any student and conscientious writer. Being intended for use where the practice of composition is combined with the study of literature, there are all the principal requirements of plain English style provided at this website. And it should also be pointed out that the attention is concentrated on the rules of application and principles of composition, which is most commonly violated.

How to Cite/Format References for Research Papers
There is a big collection of links to website, on which people may find explanation of how to use Americaqn Psychological Association (APA) Language Association (MLA) Style, American Medical Association (AMA) Style, Chicago Manual of Style, and Turabian Style for writing research papers in a proper way on this site.

A Guide for Writing Research Papers Based on Modern Language Association (MLA) Documentation

All the recommendations, provided at this website are based on the MLA handbook for Writers of Research Papers. It is also necessary to point out that there is a possibility of individual instructors and institutions or departmentsto vary from the recommendations in some way. This is why if you have a consultation with your instructor before you format and submit your work, it would be a wise thing to do.

A Guide for Writing Research Papers Based on Styles Recommended by the American Psychological Association (APA)
This is the site, which is based on a document, prepared in 1995 by Patricia S. Burgess, Ph.D., who is a volunteer staff member of America Online. After that the site has been modified and updated for the ability to be used on the World Web by members of the Humanities Departments and library staff at Capital Community College, which is located in Hartford, Connecticut. And it was in March – April of 1997, when the website was modified to its present format, which is a question – and – answer one.