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Virtual Libraries By Subject |
The World-Wide Web WWW Virtual Library: Asian Studies This is the name of a subject catalog, which provides worldwide access in bibliographic and in hypertext terms to networked scholarly documents, information systems and resources, which are either concerned with or relevant to Asian Studies. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Chemical Engineering This is the site that includes many information resources, which are relevant to Chemical and Process Engineering. Links for Chemists There is an index of chemistry resources on the web in this site. It is the copyright of the University of Liverpool, Deparmtment of Chemistry. The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Electrical and Electronics Engineering The Electrical and Electronics Engineering Virtual Library is the state of the Monterrey Tech, State of Mexico Campus, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department. The content of this site consists of Academic and Research Institutions, Information Resources, Journals and Magazines, Products and Services, and Standards. The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Law This website is a part of the Virtual Library, the information on which is devoted to different branches of law science. It is possible to browse through this site either by topical listing: Administrative Law, Business and Commercial, Law Civil and Appellate Procedure, Constitutional Law, Contracts, Criminal Law and Evidence, Environmental Law, Family Law, Foreign and International Law, Intellectual Property Law, Labor and Employment Law, Property Law, Taxation, and Torts; or by information source: Law Schools, Law Libraries, Law Firms, Law Journals, United States Government, State Government, Organizations, Foundations, Non-Profit Vendors, and Publishers. The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Mathematics This website is a part of the Virtual Library, on which there is the huge collection of Mathematics – related resources in this website. It is maintainted by the Florida State University Department of Mathematics and is considered to be a free service to the online community. All the information, which is located on this site, is divided into categories by such subjects as: Addresses and Societies, Bibliographies, Department, Education, Electronic Journals, General Resources, Gophers, High School Servers, Newsgroups, Online Books, Preprints, Science and Math, Software, Specialized Fields, and TeX Archives. The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Microbiology & Virology This website is a part of the Virtual Library, the information on which is devoted to the application, practice and science of microbiology and virology. To the studies, covered by the site, refer the following ones: culture collections, databases, educational sites, journals, government and regulatory sites, images, medical microbiology, university departments, virology, protista, and references to newsgroups, Email lists, and other types of resources for the microbiologist. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Pharmacy This website is a part of the Virtual Library, the information on which is devoted to the science of pharmaceutics. All the pharmacy related resources, which are available on the Internet, such as Associations, Associations, Community Pharmacy Pages, Conferences, Databases on the WWW, Government WWW Sites, Hospital Pages, Jobs and Pharmacy, Journals and Books, Miscellaneous Pharmacy Pages, Pharmaceutical Companies, Pharmacy Listservs, and Pharmacy Schools on the WWW are contained in this site. The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Philosophy This website is a part of the Virtual Library. It is located at the University of Bristol, and hosted jointly by the Department of Philosophy and the Institute for Learning and Research Technology. Now this part of the Virtual Library collaborates with the Social Science Information Gateway. The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Psychology This website is a part of the Virtual Library, all the information on which is devoted to different branches and problems of the psychological science. The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Statistics This website is a part of the Virtual Library. The statistical sections, located on it are the following ones: Data Sources; Job Announcements; Departments, Divisions, and Schools of Statistics; On-Line Educational Resources; Government Statistical Institutes; Statistical Research Groups, Institutes, and Associations; Services; Archives and Resources; Software Vendors and Software FAQs; Journals; Mailing Lists and Archives; and related News Groups. The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Veterinary Medicine This site is a part of the Virtual Library, and it has been operating since December 7th, 1994. There is a selected collection of veterinary medical Internet resources on this site. Women's Studies Section The WSSLINKS was created by the Women’s Studies Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries, and it is still maintained by this organization. The aim of the WSSLINKS is to provide world wide access to a wide variety of resources in order to provide support to Women’s Studies. |