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Presidential Libraries |
Harry S. Truman Library The Library provides Truman papers, Audio Visual Materials, Personal Papers, Oral Histories, Online Documents, and Photographs. Teacher Recourses include Newsletter, Teacher Workshops, Social Studies links, and Lesson Plans. Multimedia provides Documents, Speeches, Cartoons, and Photos. Herbert Hoover Presidential Library & Museum The Library includes Biographical sketch of Herbert Hoover, Hoover's Presidency, Official Positions in the US Government, Timeline, Photographs, List of Hoover Publications, List of Schools Named for Hoover, Biographical sketch of Lou Henry Hoover; as well as recourses for students and educators. Franklin D. Roosevelt Library The Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum is America's first presidential library. The Library fosters research and education on the life of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, and their continuing impact on contemporary life. Major areas of the Library include: Archives, Museum, Education and Public Programs. Dwight D. Eisenhower Library This site includes information about the presidents and provides research opportunities(Audiovisual, Finding Aids, Subject Guides, Oral Histories, Online Documents, Travel Grants, Inquiries,Bibliography). John F. Kennedy Library The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum is dedicated to the memory of the thirty-fifth president. The library includes information on John F. Kennedy life and provides various learning recourses for teachers and students. Richard Nixon Library Presidential Materials include: Textual (staff member and office files, subject files, name files, National Security files, Federal records, Haldeman diaries, oral histories, and exit interviews); Audiovisual(approximately 500,000 photographs, 700 hours of film, over 4,000 hours of "off air" video recordings, and 4,469 audio recordings); Nixon White House Tapes(copies of the publicly available tapes, totalling approximately 2,371 hours); and Presidential Gifts. Gerald R. Ford Library Library collection includes more than 25 million pages of documents, 450,000 photographs, and thousands of audiotapes, videotapes, and films. The digitized documents and audiovisual materials are organized into the following categories: Ford Presidency - General, Foreign Affairs and National Security, Domestic Affairs and Politics, Gerald and Betty Ford's Early Lives, Ford Congressional and Vice Presidential Years, Ford Post-White House Years. Jimmy Carter Library The archives hold approximately 27 million pages of Jimmy Carter's White House material, papers of administration associates, including documents, memoranda, correspondence, etc. There are also 1/2 million photographs, and hundreds of hours film, audio and video tape. Ronald Reagan Library The library provides research opportunities; Quick Reference(compilation of ready reference material on frequent reference topics); Textual Collections(finding aids for presidential records, Governor’s Papers and other Personal Papers collections); Photographs and Audiovisual Holdings; Speeches and Public Statements. George H. W. Bush Library The library holds the collection of 40,000,000 pages of documents and a material documenting of Mr. Bush's life. All materials are available for research. William J. Clinton Library The Clinton Presidential Library is located in the Presidential Center and Park. The Center includes the Clinton Foundation and the University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service. The archival collection of the library, research facilities, exhibits, special events, and educational programs are available. George W. Bush Library The George W. Bush Presidential Library is administered by the National Archives and Records Administration. The Library holds official records documenting the two-term administration (2001-2009) of the forty-third president. The electronic records, audiovisual collection of photographs and videotapes, extensive artifact collection of presidential domestic and foreign gifts are available to the visitors of the library. |