p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }a:link { } The Online Books Page, University of Pennsylvania The Online Books Page is a website of the University of Pennsylvania Library. This site makes it easy to the access to books, which can be read in a free way through the Internet. The aim of the website is also to encourage the development of online books of such kinds for the general benefit and edification.
Project Gutenberg Project Gutenberg may be truly considered to be one of the oldest Internet sites, which produces free electronic books (eBooks or etexts). By now there are more than 10,000 of eBooks in the collection of this site, all of which were produced by hundreds of volunteers. The greater part of the Project Gutenberg eBooks are the older works of literature, which are in the public domain in the United States. It should also be noted that each of the books of this site may be downloaded and read for free; in addition, eBooks are allowed to be redistributed for non – commercial use.
Digital Book Index There are links to more than 88,000 title records, which refer to more than 1800 commercial and non – commercial publishers, colleges, universities and different kinds of private websites in the Digital Book Index. Moreover, about 50,00 of these ebooks, etexts and edocuments, are widely available and are for free, as for others, they are also widely available, but at some cost, though at an extremely modest one.
Humanities Text Initiative (HTI) American Verse Project The American Verse Project is the website, which is considered to be the result of collaboration of the University of Michigan Humanities Text initiative (HTI) and the University of Michigan Press. This project contains an electronic archive of volumes of American poetry, written before 1920. Therefore, everyone should keep in mind that the full text of every volume of poetry is kept in a digital form and it is coded in Standard Generalized Mark – up Language (SGML), using the TEI Guidelines with different forms of access, provided through the World Wide Web.
Romantic Circles The Romantic Circles is the name of a website, which is devoted to the study of literature and culture of a period of romantism. The University of Maryland is considered to be the publisher of the site, although it is partly maintained by the Maryland Institute for Technology and the Humanities (MITH). All the texts, located at the Romantic Circles were chosen with great care, and each of them is based on the highest scholarly standards. Any contribution into the archive is peer – reviewed. And, finally, as for looking for information on this site, it is possible to look through the entire library, just as well as one can be limited to the works of some particular author or text.
The Victorian Women Writers Project The Victorian Women Writers Project is a website, which produces highly acurate transcriptions of works, written by British women writers of the 19th century. All the texts of this site are encoded with the help of a Standard Generalized Mark – up Language (SGML). There are anthologies, children’s books, novels, poetry volumes, political pamphlets, religious tracts and verse drama contained in the archive of the site. Each work is selected with the help of the Advisory Board. All the etexts are freely available through the World Wide Web.
Internet Classics Archive The Internet Classics Archive is a list, which consists from 441 works of classical literature, which are written by 60 different authours. There is also a use – driven commentary and “reader’s choice” websites. The great majority of the works, contained in the Archive, are of a Greek – Roman origin, although there are Chinese and Persian tests as well, each of them is translated into English. There are powerful queries to search the texts, which are provided locally and remotely. It is possible to look for some piece of literature by work, as well as by author, although one can also search the entire archive.
Bibliomania There are more than 2000 online texts, study guides and reference resources at the bibliomania website. Each of them is free and easily accessible. The site contains fiction, non – fiction and poetry sections, and the reference section is rather limited. |