The Virtual Reference Desk Project The Virtual Reference Desk is the name of a project, which was established in honor to the advancement of digital reference and the successful creation and operation of human – mediated, Internet – based information services. The United States Department of Education is the sponsor of the Virtual Reference Desk Project.
United States Library of Congress The aim of the Library of Congress is to serve as the research arm of Congress. It is truly considered to be the oldest federal cultural institution. It is also the largest library in the world, in which there are about 128 million items, located on approximately 530 miles of bookshelves. There are more than 57 million manuscripts, 29 million books and other printed materials, 2,7 million recordings, 12 millions photographs, 4,8 million maps in the collection of the Library of Congress.
National Archives & Records Administration The National Archives and Records Administration is an independent Federal agency. It is considered to be a national recordkeeper of the United States. The aim of the NARA is to provide ready access to all the essential evidence, which documents the national experience, the actions of Federal officials, as well as the rights of the citizens. There are cornerstone documents of the US Government – the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States of America, the Bill of Rights and many other current and past exhibits among the treasures, which are available online.
Smithsonian Institution The Smithsonian Institution was founded more than 155 years ago, and since that time its work is to enlarge the understanding of the mosaic, which is the national identity of the citizens of the United States. And it is possible to do by providing authoritative experiences, which connect Americans to their history and their heritage as the citizens of this country, as well as promoting innovation, research and discovery, made in science.
Library and Archives Canada The Library and Archives Canada is a modern knowledge institution, in which the collections, services and staff experience of the former National Library of Canada and National Archives of Canada are combined. The main aim of this institution is to give the citizens of Canada easy, one – stop access to the texts, photographs, manuscripts and other kinds of documents, with the help of which their cultural, social and political development is possible to be reflected. The Library and Archives Canada works in collaboration with other libraries and archives, and together they contiunue to acquire and preserve the documentary heritage of all forms for the future of this country. The National Library of Education The National Library of Education offers programs and activities in the Department of Education; Department publications; education materials from other federal agencies; services and resources available through ERIC, the research institutes, and the national education dissemination system; and statistics through the National Center for Education Statistics. National Agricultural Library The National Agricultural Library is one of four national libraries of the United States, its collection consists of more than 3.5 million items covering all aspects of agriculture and related sciences. U.S. National Library of Medicine U.S. National Library of Medicine is the world's largest medical library. The Library collects materials and offers information and research services in all areas of biomedicine and health care. Internet Law Library The Internet Law Library provides free public access to the basic documents of U.S. law. The documents referenced by the Library reside on servers outside the control of Pritchard Law Webs.