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General Virtual Libraries
California Digital Library
The California Digital Library provides a single point of access for all the digital collections, which are either created or managed by the University of California. There is a broad range of scholarly, as well as popular content, present at this site. Besides, the digital collections of the site reflect the diverse interests and scholarship of the University of California. Thanks to this site it has become possible to make the first step toward bringing together publicly accessible digital collections, which are produced and managed by the University of California.

WWW Virtual Library

Unlike the majority of commercial Internet catalogs, the WWW Virtual Library is run by a confederation of volunteers, which is quite loose one. These people work by compiling pages of main links for the definite areas, in which they are considered to be the experts. And even though it is far not the biggest index of the web, the Virtual Library pages are generally recognized as the ones, which are among the highest – quality guides to some definite sections of the web.