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Two–Year Educational Establishments vs. Four Year Colleges |
Two – year colleges (community and junior colleges) In accordance with the statistical data, 38 percent of about 18 million students enroll in two – year community and junior colleges each year. In addition, 51, 5 percent of all online students receive their education at two – year schools. Two – year educational institutions offer certificate programs (less than two years of work), technical programs (terminal associate degrees) and Transfer programs (the coursework leading to an AA or AS degrees are usually transferable for credit at any four – year educational establishment. The advantages of two – year colleges: - Lower cost, in comparison with four – year schools; - So – to – say: “open” enrollment policy; - As a rule there is an agreement between four – year educational establishment and community colleges, in accordance with which students who have received a two – year associate degree can be accepted with junior status at any four – year school all over the United States of America. The two – year colleges are a good option for the following categories of students: - Students who are either unsure of their academic abilities or their long – term goals; - Students, who are extremely concerned with cost; - Students, who either pursue their first degree, or who are interested in updating their existing work skills. Four year colleges and universities In accordance with the statistical data, 40 percent of all postsecondary educational institutions in the United States of America are four – year colleges and universities. And 61 percent of about 18 million students enroll in four – year educational institutions each year. Four – year educational establishments offer bachelor’s degree (equivalent of about four years of full – time study), master’s degree (i. e. MA, MS, MBA, and so on), doctoral degree (i. e. PhD., EdD., and son on) and professional degree (i. e. JD, MD, DVM, and so on). The advantages of four – year educational establishments: - In comparison with the community college, the selection of majors and classes are greater; - There is a general public opinion that these types of educational institutions are more prestigious and that they name recognition; - There is an increased access to faculty members, who are more involved with research and different types of scholarly activities. The four – year educational establishments a good option for the following categories of students: - Students, who are very confident in their academic abilities, and who have set their career goals; - Students, who desire to enter professional fields or occupations in health sciences, law, education, engineering or business, which require somewhat more advanced degree. |