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Private Educational Establishments vs. Public Ones
Private educational establishments
In accordance with the statistical data, 4.6 million students enroll in private educational institutions, each year. About 75 percent of them study at the private non – for – profits and 25 at private for – profits.
There exist private for – profit and private non – for – profit colleges and universities, which make about 68 percent of all postsecondary educational establishments in the United States of America.

As a rule it takes a student about 5.3 years to get a bachelor’s degree at four – year private educational establishment. In comparison with the public institutions, private ones are somewhat more expensive than public schools because of a lack of financial support from state and local governments. Usually private educational establishments have to rely on tuition, fees, gifts, corporate contributions and endowments. The average total tuition and fees at a private four – year college or university makes about $22,000, but each year the price becomes higher a little. It should also be pointed out that in – state and out – of – state students pay the same tuition.

Public educational establishments
In accordance with the statistical data, about 32 percent of postsecondary educational establishments in the United States of America are public colleges and universities. More than 70 percent of undergraduate attend state or public postsecondary institutions. About 13 million of students enroll in public two – year and four – year degree – granting educational establishments each year.

As a rule it takes a student about 6.2 years to get a bachelor’s degree at four – year public college.
In comparison with private institutions, public ones are somewhat less expensive than private schools because they are government – run. The budgets of these institutions are greatly financed by the state or local governments, and they can also charge students who live in that state relatively low tuition. As for the out – of – state students, they usually pay higher tuition rates. The average total tuition and fees at two – year public college is about $3,000; while at four – year public educational institution, tuition and fees are about $5,500. It should be mentioned, however, that the prices becomes higher a little with each passing year.