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Online High Schools
There is practically no doubt in the fact that future development in distance learning will take place at the K – 12 level. People are fast becoming saturated with online college or university degree programs. But how many undergraduate programs are necessary to have in business?

The number of educational establishments, which provides the ability of earning a degree online, has increasing at an astounding rate. Taking into consideration the recent announcements of the sale of Insight Schools in Washington to the Apollo Group, the company, which is the owner of the University of Phoenix, as well as the entrance of educational powerhouse Kaplan into the market with its acquisition of Sagemont Virtual, which is the owner of the University of Miami Online High Schools, it is only a matter of time before things get exploded.

It should also be mentioned that the United States of America is a country, in which there are lots of people of adult age who live without having a high school diploma, just as well as  there are plenty of students of high school age, who are looking for any possible alternative to the public school. And it is the dramatic growth in homeschooling, which illustrates this point.

But what many people can not manage to understand is that the online high school phenomenon is somewhat greater than just homeschoolers. There are many of the high school age students who participate do not identify themselves as homeschoolers, besides they do not come from traditional homeschooling families.

How Do You Choose an Online High School?
There is not much difference in selecting an online high school and selecting an online college. Everything a person needs to look at, are the same features such as:
- The degree of accreditation. In case if some educational establishment has not been accredited, one should be very careful about choosing it to become a student. Yes, there exist acceptable programs, which only have an approval from the state, therefore, it is necessary to be careful that this approval includes oversight and that it is not simply a license to do business. All the recognized accrediting agencies can be found at

-History. Before making the decision to enroll into some online college or university, one should find out about the experience this school has with online education. It is necessary to get to know whether the educational establishment has been offering online and / or distance learning high school programs for more than just a couple of years?

-Teacher contact.
There is a wide variety of contact possibilities, offered by online high schools. They vary from having no teacher contact all the way to required five – days – a – week virtual classroom. But what one should decide for himself is the kind of contact he needs. Whether a future student is simply looking for a little homeschool support or whether he / she require an entire program and somebody who would provide assistance to him / her on a daily basis? It is necessary to find online high schools, which fit any of these requirements.

- Cost. Tuition fees can vary widely, beginning from $10,000 per year and more. The reasonable question is whether there is any difference in qualify based on cost? There can be, however, it does not matter that there must be. There are many good high school programs, which are considered to be quite reasonably priced ones.

What To Avoid When Looking at Online High Schools
The issue of determining which online higher educational establishment should better be avoided is considered to be almost as difficult as determining which one should be given preference to. Each potential student will find lots of programs, which assert that they have been granted the degree of accreditation, claim that tuition is paid by the Fortune 500 companies and ensure that there are thousands of graduates of these programs. None of this can be true, just as well as everything can.
Still, these ensurements rather tell the following thins:
1. That the school may have simply made up its own face degree of accreditation;
2. That there exist companies somewhere they do not check closely enough. Therefore, it should be mentioned that in case if someone get caught or will eventually get caught, this person will most likely be fired. And even in that case if the person had no idea that it was a high school with fake accreditation.
3. The expression “thousands of graduates” usually means nothing but the fact that some “educational establishment” simply managed to find that many people who had no idea what they were doing.

Online High School
Many students, both high schools and college ones refer to the humans rights defending organizations and ask them to help fix their mistakes. And one of the most common mistake is investing money into a school that was not a school at all.

No matter what the school may tell about itself, every potential online student is to do his / her own research. Before enrolling into a higher educational establishment, it is necessary to find out whether it is really accredited by a real accrediting agency. Besides, one should also check whether or not an accrediting agency is recognized by the Council of Higher Education Accreditation. And it is possibly to do at the Council of Higher Education Accreditation’s Web site.

It is also necessary to mention that nobody can earn a high school diploma by taking a test online. Besides, no high school diploma can be earned during one week or even during one month, as this procedure really requires quite a lot of time to be spent and work to be done.

Free Online High School Programs
There are definitely free programs out there. This is considered to be one of the most commonly asked question. All the free online high school programs come in two forms:
- Free online high school programs, which are started by state departments of education. The majority of such programs offer only courses and not diplomas, therefore, it is necessary to check with the Web site of a student’s home state’s department of education in order to make the situation of each individual future student clear.
- Charter schools. While public schools, they operate with fewer rules. Therefore, it should be mentioned that a free part only applied to some certain geographical areas, commonly states, but also countries and regions. The great majority of these schools limit themselves to high school – aged students, however, there are some of them which go as high as twenty one.