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Online Education Introduction |
There exist different ways of getting prepared for the future. In some counties, for example, the student’s educational fate is mostly decided yet before he / she reaches the puberty period. Early in the primary years students are tracked and tested and by the middle school and high school years, all college – bound students are siphoned off for entry into high schools with an academic focus. As for the other students, they do not have a wide choice of educational opportunities, all they can do is to enter some educational establishment, which gives basic skills for independent living and terminates either with home economics or vocational instruction. For these people an associate’s is a two – year terminable degree, and their credits can in no way be applied toward receiving a bachelor’s degree even in case if the student develops the maturity, motivation and high level of intellectual curiosity for the rigors of academic life. Fortunately, the United States of America does not belong to these countries, and here students can receive a second chance, and even a third, forth, fifth and so on and so forth. There lots of paths to entering a college, and there is no right one. One size will never fit all. There are students, who are home – schooled, there are those, who are tutored, as well as those who are matriculated through the public education system, some students enroll in private types of schools, while others take the requisite for years to complete high school, some people prefer to earn their diploma early in their youth, others get dropped out, some students go to night school, and some drop back in and take the high school equivalence test in lieu or earning a diploma. No matter how a student will be trying to earn the diploma, it is never too late for anyone. And it is just the same considering higher education. There are students who adhere to a degree plan, which is generated with input from their academic advisors and they prefer to make steady and regular progress in the direction of their degrees, while others choose to reduce their course load, they may take a semester off here and there, and they may also change their directions of study. There are even students who earn an associate degree and after that they apply those credits to a bachelor’s degree. Indeed, it is just the same with certificates, which can, at some schools, be applied to a master’s degree. Talking about online education, it is necessary to point out that this way of learning makes education open and accessible to everyone, at any stage, on the path to achievement. Students, who receive education with the help of the Internet, are not bound by any physical disabilities, learning disabilities, poor life choices; there are no geographic limitations or social status limitations. Online education makes the playing field about as level as it can get. And in case if a student is determined enough, he / she can and will have success. Nowadays more and more educational establishments offer courses online. There are even schools, which provide their students with the opportunity to obtain their certificate or degree wholly online. The reason of it is that more and more faculty and institutions realize that far not all potential students fit into this 18 – 22 year old demographic. And now the Socratic method, when there is one teacher standing in front of a blackboard and facing dozens of students is considered to be only one of the ways education is given, but it is far not the only way. There are more and more mature students, who have their own life and / or working experience, and who have different needs and objectives. And colleges and universities are tailoring the education experience they provide to these non – traditional students. In reality there exist just as many reasons to return to school as there are to leave it. Some people prefer to interrupt their education on a voluntary basis, while others decide that after they have graduated high school, they should wait some time to get ready for college. There are people who consider that their education can wait up until they will be raising a family or taking care for one of the family members, etc. And there are also people who prefer to take time in order to realize what their interests are, they consider that it is necessary to work their way up from an entry – level job or simply receive some life experience. And later, when they find something that makes them interested requires a degree or that they can not be promoted to having more responsibility without a degree, or that their lifestyle demands a career change and more money. All at once these people have to be able to compete in the job market in a wide variety of industries, which means having a degree. Each online course is student – centered. Taking a course on the online basis looks much like taking a course face – to – face sitting in a traditional classroom environment; but there is one exception, which is rather significant. There is an instructor, who is experienced in the subject matter, there is a course plan or syllabus and all students are expected to study, take part in various discussions and demonstrate their knowledge with the help of examination or written term paper. Therefore, it is also possible for students to do this all without even having entered a classroom. Each online course makes use of emerging technologies and media such as asynchronous message forum, broadband Internet, instant messaging, live chat, podcasting and web cameras. And there is no isolated student; each of them becomes a part of a global learning community. It is possible for a stay – at – home mother, who live in San Francisco to number among her classmates a boatswain’s mate from Bahrain, an advertising executive in Austin and even a nurse in Newport. |