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Are You Ready to Go Back to School?


6. Field of your study. In case if you work at, for example, an advertising agency, it is really doubtful that you will be paid for receiving a degree in nursing of something else, which has nothing in common with the field of your work. You should see what the limits there are in your choice of a major. And, most likely you will have to study something really relevant to either your current or your future job.

7. Length of employment. In case if you think about earning your degree and quitting right away, you should think everything over one more time. In most cases employers require their workers to be employed for some definite length of time after completion of their degree. And in case if you leave before that time, it is quite possible that you will have to pay back all the tuition or fees, which were provided to you.

It is also necessary to point out that a college degree never comes cheap; this is why you should think about the short– and long– term financial impact of your going back to school with the aim of earning your degree. Therefore, you should never let the price tag of a college education stand on your way. 

Before applying to a college, you should look over your personal budget and examine how paying for your school may influence you and your family over the next several years. There is the flip side of this – it is thinking about your potential for increased earnings or job opportunities after you have your degree completed.

You should also see whether you have support of the other members of your family, because in order to do your best from the academical point of view, it is extremely necessary to have the backing of people you love, and who love you as well.

It is necessary to have a talk about the possible impact of your going back to school and about how things may become different around the house. Your children will most likely have more chores to do, you will have to have a guarantee there will be quiet in the house while you will be studying in the evenings, and so on.
You will also have to have your employer’s “buy – in”. Believe it or not, but you will also want to have backing from your employer as well. And you should never consider that you are free to use your work laptop to respond to a discussion question for your class. How do you think your manager may react if you spend your lunch catching up on a paper whose deadline is approaching?

You should understand the necessary time commitment, which is required of you and you are to be ready to make your studying plan. As a rule that thumb is that a three credit college course requires, on average, ten or twelve hours per week. And although such a type of education as “Online education 24/7 – on your time, at your schedule!” is simply exciting, you will still have to take into consideration all the actual consequences of squeezing school – related duties into your way of life.

Will you still have some time left for a five – o’clock racquetball match or your monthly Book Club get – together? In order to find it, it will be necessary to examine your schedule along with all the responsibilities of your and identify what you will be able to sacrifice in the short – time in order to achieve your long – time goal. And it is even possible that you will have to give up the occasional episode of “The Office” or these idle Saturday mornings of yours, spent in bed. 

Do you see yourself as keeping your future under control? Think over whether it is you who makes things happen or things happen to you? There exists a psychological concept, which describes one’s decision – making ability, called “locus of control”. Students, who have an internal “locus of control”, consider that their actions, such as studying on a regular basis, result in receiving “A’s” and “B’s”, while, students who have an external “locus of control” strongly believe that their “C’s” and “D’s” are determined by forces, which are beyond their control (an unfair professor, for example, or something else of that kind).

And in case if you seem like identify with the former example, and if you are ready to take this responsibility of your further learning, be sure, you are, of no doubt, making quite a commitment ot success and you re ready to go back to school.
And you should always remember that going back to school is literally an investment in yourself. 

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