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Dictionaries |
Merriam-Webster Online There is a free online dictionary, thesaurus, audio pronunciations, Word of the Day, different types of word games as well as other English language resources, provided by the Merriam – Webster website. This website contains not only a free online English dictionary, but also a thesaurus, reference guide, crossword puzzles and other types of word games, online translator and even Word of the Day. American Heritage Dictionary There are more than 90,000 entries feature 10,000 new words and senses, 70,000 audio word pronunciations, 900 full – page color illustrations, word – root appendixes and language notes, located on the American Heritage Dictionary. Yahoo! Directory Dictionaries > By Language Yahoo makes it possible for you to search through the Directory’s listing of language dictionaries beginning from Afrikaans to Yiddish. RhymeZone The RhymeZone website represents a language arts reference tool and comprehensive search engine for different words. There is also such functions as a rhyming dictionary, thesaurus, spelling checker, an integrated full – text search engine for all the works by Shakespeare and thousands of quotations and poems, located there. On-Line Medical Dictionary The On – Line Medical Dictionary was created by Dr. Graham Dark. It is a searchable dictionary, which contains different terms, related to such branches as biochemistry, cell biology, chemistry, medicine, molecular biology, physics, plant biology, radiobiology, science and technology. There are acronyms, conventions, eponyms, institutions, history, institutions, jargon words, projects, standards, theory, and anything, which has to do with medicine ro science. MedTerms Medical Dictionary The MedTerms is the name of an online medical dictionary, which is the reference for the There are easy – to – understand explanations of more than 10,000 medical terms, contained there. With the help of this online medical dictionary, a quick access to all different hard – to – spell medical definitions is provided through an extensive alphabetical listing. ArtLex Art Dictionary The Artlex Art Dictionary represents the definitions for more than 3,500 terms, which are often used in the visual culture discussions, along with a big amount of supporting images, pronunciation notes, quotations and cross – references. The website There are more than 2,500 Western signs, divided into 54 groups, in accordance with their graphic characteristics, beginning with the idiograms, carved in mammoth teeth by Cro – Magnon men and up to hobo signs and subway graffiti in the Website. In addition, the site also contains 1,600 articles of the stories, usage and meanings of these symbols. Webopedia The Webopedia is the name of the site, which is considered to be an online computer dictionary and Internet search engine for different types of definitions for computer and Internet technology. Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures There is a thorough dictionary of algorithms, algorithmic techniques, archetypical problems, data structures, represented in this Website. Most algorithms include common functions, such as Ackermann’s function; as for the problems, they include traveling salesman and Byzantie generals. It should also be noted that there are entries with links to implementations and more information in the site. Biographical Dictionary There are biographies of more than 28,000 of famous men and women, who have shaped the world beginning from its very ancient times and to up nowadays, in this site. It is possible to search the dictionary using the dates of birth, dates of death, positions held by these people, their professions, literary and artistic work, achievements and many other keywords. |