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Non-Accredited Education
Getting an education, whether it be at an Ivy league school, or in your back yard, is an important process to seek throughout life. When education is used to get a job or to advance into advanced levels of schooling, accreditation becomes a key factor to success. Financially, a school that is not accredited may not make a student eligible for many loans and scholarships, since many lenders only want to give money to a cause that has proven value. As far as educational advancement, an accredited school can offer the chance to transfer past credit from one school to another (this is done most efficiently between regionally accredited schools).

The most probable disadvantage about going to a non-accredited college or university is the fact that many employers do not accept a degree or certificate unless it's from an accredited program. A non-accredited college or university may offer a great education but, practically, it may not be the best route to take.