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National Association of Schools of Public Affairs & Administration (NASPAA)
The Commission on Peer Review and Accreditation of the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration oversees the quality of master's programs offering training for the field of public affairs. The accredited institutions under the NASPAA undergo a stringent series of assessment to meet the commission's standards. This assures new professionals in the field are prepared for helping the field of public affairs progress into the future. 

The process of accreditation includes a year-long program study by the commission, followed by a school self assessment, and a three-day commission visit. After this process there is a final review and then accreditation is given. The lengthy process helps the school and professional commission see the program with clarity, so it can become a better preparatory vessel for future professionals.

There are over 50 programs accredited by the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration in the United States. Each has both passed the accreditation process, and continues to improve its curriculum offerings.