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National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts and Sciences (NACCAS)
Ever wonder what kind of training it takes to become a hair dresser, manicure specialist, or spa specialist? The National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts and Sciences are experts in this field. There are  over 1,000 schools under the umbrella of the National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts and Sciences, which is an independent accrediting agency. The commission's origins date back to 1969, when the two separate agencies merged into one. NACCAS is recognized by the US. Department of Education as a national agency as being a valid accrediting agency for institutional accreditation of cosmetology schools.

There are over 100,000 students working to earn degrees within schools accredited by the NACCAS. NACCAS is an established non-profit corporation within the state of Delaware, and specializes in nationally accrediting schools within the small scope of cosmetology all over the country. If you are looking into working in the field of cosmetology, make sure the school you choose is accredited by the NACCAS, to ensure quality, top-bar training.