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National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB)
If you plan on going into architecture, and becoming a board certified architect, then the accreditation by the National Architectural Accrediting Board is essential. Almost all states require candidates for architect board exams to be graduates of programs with an accreditation from the NAAB. This is a sort of "rite of passage" into the field of architecture. 

There are over 100 programs given the stamp of approval by the NAAB. It is the sole agency authorized by the U.S. Department of Education for the field of architecture. It makes sure to take this role seriously by putting all of its approved programs through a three step accreditation process.

Employers generally know that if they hire an architect from an NAAB accredited school, they're getting a competent graduate, who has the technical and personal skills to succeed in the field. All graduates of a program accredited by the NAAB are also guaranteed to have a well-rounded education, as all are required to take a number of liberal arts classes.