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Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education (MACTE)

The Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education is one of a kind. It oversees the unique, internationally known, method of early childhood education known as Montessori. The accrediting method is recognized internationally for setting the standards in Montessori teacher training.  

The MACTE's mission is to improve teacher education by accrediting training programs which meet established standards. MACTE also aims to be a resource to developing training programs, and unify standards for all Montessori programs. These standards include an integrated program of both academic and practical experiences in training. Each individual program must agree on the Montessouri mission, adhere to the Montessouri curriculum and commit to responsible financial management.

All teachers going through Montessouri training must complete at least one year of course work and professional practice in order to graduate and actually work in a school. The accrediting council oversees that all schools offering this training are following the recommended time commitment and course requirements for future teachers.