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Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME)
The Liaison Committee on Medical Education is the gatekeeper for much of the medical field. In order for any medical professional training programs to be eligible for federal grants, they must first be accredited by the LCME. Students who complete a medical training program and wish to become licensed also must graduate from a LCME accredited institution.  

As the grandfather of medical professional training, it's important to advise and oversee both the established and newer, up and coming medical training institutions. The LCME is focused not only on making sure medical curricula is meeting minimum standards, but also on promoting medical training to the next level.

The LCME is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as the sole provider of medical education leading to the M.D. degree in schools that are also accredited by regional accrediting associations. This means that a medical doctor training program must first be embedded in a top-notch university or college institution before the program is accredited. This ensures that future doctors are raised and trained in an intellectually mature community.