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International Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (IAACSB)
Since 1916 the International Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business has been succeeding in propelling the international world of business to where it is today. In recent years the world has become a smaller place, with communication of many different types bridging the gaps between countries and markets. 

The International Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business is one of the players in the game which advances business to a global level. The agency has worked through many new and old ideas to determine the most effective, high quality business education that will prepare professionals for the wide world of new innovations. There are 424 programs of business offering education accredited by IAACSB.

The association is made up of a board of extremely qualified and respected business professionals. These peers oversee all the accreditation processes of the Collegiate Schools of Business. They have a very careful and extensive process through which they give programs the stamp of approval.