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Distance Education Training Council (DETC) |
The Distance Education & Training Council (DETC) is a national accreditation agency, recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and the United States Department of Education. A non-profit agency, the Distance Education and Training Council is charged with ensuring that distance education institutions (schools, colleges, etc.) continue to maintain and offer a vigorous level of education and learning to all distance learning students. Established in 1926, the DETC works to promote and develop distance learning as a viable alternative to traditional learning systems, regardless of a student`s geographic location. The Distance Education and Training Council`s Accrediting Commission is the governing body that oversees the accrediting efforts of the organization. Currently the DETC has accredited 87 schools and colleges, encompassing over 500 online degrees, correspondence programs, and other forms of distance education that range from very small, local educational institutions, to large multi-national operations. Established in 1955, the Commission identifies and accredits institutions that `have attained and maintained the standards deemed necessary to operate at a high level of quality.` Typically, this requires that the school must have undergone an intense self-study of its operations, allow the DETC to examine its operations, and submit course materials for evaluation by DETC subject specialists. Colleges and universities must renew their DETC accreditation every 5 years. The Commission accredits schools and colleges by examining their educational, ethical, and business practices, approving only those who meet its strict criteria: • Have clearly defined and stated mission, goals, and objectives • State educational objectives clearly, and offer comprehensive, accurate, up-to-date, educationally sound instructional materials, and methods to meet its education objectives; • Provide adequate student services; • Provide adequate examination services, attention to individual student differences • Have students satisfied with the instruction and services received, and have an assessment plan • Have qualified faculty • Enroll only students who can be expected to benefit from instruction • Have honest advertising and promotional practices • Show financial resources that are adequate enough to carry out obligations to students • Use fair tuition and refund policies, meeting the DETC tuition cancellation policies • Have adequate facilities, equipment, and record protection • Conduct continuous research and self-improvement studies |