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Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
There are hundreds of programs throughout the United States accredited by the Council on Social Work Education. The nationally known specialized accreditor strives to improve the quality of social work education and also works to set government policies to move the ability of social workers forward. In the grand scheme of things, CSWE is is doing all of this in order to improve the quality and well-being of people's lives who are served by the social work agency.  

Social work programs offering bachelor's and/or master's degrees are eligible for accreditation by the Council on Social Work Education. Not only does this agency work to improve the education standards in the field of social work, but it also encourages research and development of the field. Its hope is to extend research into practice.

The Council on Social Work Education is approved by the Council on Higher Education Accreditation as a respected authority on quality education. It accredits 100's of programs through the United States and continues to develop standards that help the field of social work progress, and help people more efficiently.