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Computer Science Accreditation Commission of the Computing Sciences
Training programs for software engineering, information systems, and computer science all fall under the accrediting umbrella of the Computer science Accreditation Commission of the Computing Sciences Accreditation Board. The commission works under the overarching body of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, except it specializes in computer engineering disciplines.  

The members of the board are appointed to serve as accrediting officers on the Computer Sciences Accreditation Commission. They study the curriculum and the campuses of programs wishing to become accredited, as well as uphold the standards for schools which already have their stamp of approval. The goal of the commission is not to keep the field in a stationary place, but to keep the study of computer engineering moving forward.

The computing Sciences Accreditation Board also houses a number of other accrediting committees. These include the Association for Computing Machinery, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and the Association for Information Systems. All of these associations work together to bring the education of future engineers to the level at which they will be successful in the working world.