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Council for Interior Design (CIDA)
The Council for Interior Design is the major board in the United States in charge of overseeing over 100 programs of interior design. Thousands of designers have graduated from accredited programs and find their employment opportunities are much more favorable with CIDA approval.  

An artist's talent only goes so far, then it's the role of instructors and curriculum to lead the mind to new levels of maturity and opportunity. CIDA is a respected group of professionals, teaming up to form interior design training programs that not only teach the basics, but also push designers to new levels of creativity.

The ebb and flow of technique within the field of interior design can be seen throughout the field's history. CIDA takes all of these stages and works them into how today's artists use their talent. Today's interior design art is not only a creation of modernity, but a combination of past, present and future and CIDA is proud to be a leader in this evolution.