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Commission of English Language Program Accreditation (CEA)
Thousands of students from all over the world enter the U.S. each year to pursue degrees in higher education or to learn to speak English more fluently. These students are considered ESL students or EFL students and they are generally taught by ESL/EFL teachers. The most intense and most effective type of ESL program is the an Intensive English Program, or IEP course. Whatever the type of course, the Commission of English Language Program Accreditation is the overseer, making sure the education is quality.  

There are over 1,000 English language programs and institutions throughout the United States, and it's very important for foreign students that their program is accredited. That's where the Commission on English Language Program Accreditation is important. This commission sets the standards for the many different varieties of institutions that exist.

CEA was created in the 1960's, when a number of university-based English language programs came together to form a common set of standards for the field. By the mid 1980's there was an explosion of ESL/EFL programs in the country and in 1999 CEA was formed to be the governing organization over these programs.